Dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man", to show women's poor dating behavior and unreasonable standards while offering little to no value themselves.
Welcome to the next evolution of Where Are All The Good Men.
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A couple of information items before you begin or continue your journey down the WAATGM rabbit hole:
--This is the tribe for WAATGM. It functions similar to that social media platform with the bird icon on it just without the character limitations. This is where you can drop a simple thought, concept, or question on the community for discussion.
--If you arrived here from the Socialist matrix of fascist censorship known as Reddit, then this site will look a little different, because it is. The WhereAreAllTheGoodMen forum is the site that works similar to the original sub in Reddit. There you may post women's dating profiles and comment on them, just like in the original sub-reddit.
--For those that are new to WAATGM or those that would like to refresh their memories of a particular post, many of the original reddit posts have been archived for safekeeping and may be found here. You may also find the archive link at the bottom of the side bar (on the right ----------->).
--Be sure to check out our baby forum WhereAllTheGoodMenAre. Just like the original, this is where you can submit and comment on essays which addresses the "Where are all the good men?" phenomenon. Personal stories, theories, venting, and even how awesome life is as a MGTOW are all welcomed, but ultimately it is a place to share your male perspective as to why women can't find a "good man", or why good men are avoiding commitment.
Read More@polishknight crap, that's long, and I have a lot to read and notifications to catch up on.
I'll try to get to this in the next day or two.
Tag @moorekom - maybe you can give him an answer?
What do you think of this for content. Problem is that can't grok it including the video which is super cringe. Proposed title: "America! Refer your cousins and nephews to me to ick and reject!"
I don't remember i was just memeing in tribe. The rest of her profile was meh. Like a bunch of stereotypical drivel and then that
Her: Where Are All The Good Men?
Did she really ask The Big Question in her dating profile? If so, you should post the whole thing as long as it meets rule 5 (or rule 9 on weekends).
@deeplydisturbed Sorry I don't always get it right.
Selfish women like to point at the spot in men's eyes without noticing the tree trunk in their own. I was trying to illustrate how she would see it all from a selfish point of view the whole way through her life. However she would miss all the man's dedication and effort because she would pick on his short comings only thinking about herself. Its definitely facetious.
Most men will suffer from one of those complaints in their middle ages, probably half of middle aged men will suffer all 3 to some degree. None of those complaints will be a man's fault. One might argue that better life management would have avoided some or all of them but they don't come from selfishness and can easily come to the middle aged householder striving to be the best trad con he can putting family above himself.
A selfish women will not try to lift a man up in this state but will see him as beneath her, she deserves better and has a right to better because she can attract a man without those problems for at least a one night stand.
I was just giving it all from her side in what I hoped was a comic way but I accept one does not know if the reader comes to something they find on the internet understanding where it is coming from. Not sure there is a good answer, to this problem I will try to make the jokes clearer in future. I just like them when they are given as if serious not so much "you'll like this one folks.... drum roll ...."
Read MoreThis kind of retarded filth is always a gateway into other degen behavior on a whim
@Vermillion-Rx Wonder how many men have seen it? You don't get a tattoo like that on a whim unless you are the kind that has experience of doing lots of other less lasting stuff with your body on a whim?
There really must be no good men then if that many were not good enough?