The official unofficial constitution of the dot REDs because fuck u or some shit
"Why did I get 713 v-cards?"
"Why did you reply to my post with stone sculptures meme?"
This is the official unofficial constitution of the dot REDs because fuck you, we have bylaws and shit...
Add your official and open secret bylaws here for the uncultured swines on the dot REDs who need some constitutional enlightenment to get linked back to.
Made up rules will be immediately rejected, unless publicly agreed upon by the same 6 users, because fuk u, that's one of the bylaws.
New term, derived from a dot red meme:
you've been flouncing this entire time. I'm 713ing all your posts in this thread.
I am the origin of the phrases "
for*dot red bylaws" and "dot red bylaws and shit".
Well, now I'm also the origin of the phrase "for red bylaws" too.
So none of your fuckers copy me!
I hereby decree that you are fuckman thief of RL, and in violation of copyright laws.
I am the origin of the phrases "for red bylaws" and "dot red bylaws and shit".
Each posting in this tribe named my copyrighted phrase is subject to the fee of 6969 fcks payable to me.
You are currently in arrears in the amount of *calculating* 7 thousand Chad Coins.
Please remit.
According to your "dot red bylaws and shit" constitution:
Made up rules will be immediately rejected, unless publicly agreed upon by the same 6 users, because fuk u, that's one of the bylaws.
I hereby reject your rape and grape proposal because you owe me lots of money.
I hereby decree to the same 6 users that 7493 and 67493 be the new vcard and fcks amount for R*PE and grape respectively.
Mainly to be used on posts with relevant cultural discussions or terrible advice about escalation or any relevant contexts:
using horizontal and vertical letter flips and cases to achieve this arrangement
what is that, one of those 3D images?
No it's "never gonna give you up" stretched out super far and thin and pasted over itself from a ton of different angles
If you look at it from your charger hole of your phone, it reveals the text at the angle the brain can perceive the letters, thus Rick rolling the victim
Clean up your act
1mo ago dot REDs ByLaws & Shit
@Vermillion-Rx what is that, one of those 3D images?
If @Ill_Will7 and @itsovER hadn't already spoiled it, I'd have never known what it was, because I never could make those work