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@SwarmShawarma OK, I'll take the bait
Useful, how?
There also aren't any details in there about her fucking me, just how fun i was. There was some praise although her description of me wasn't bad but wasn't where I'd like to be visually perceived
There was no particular criticism other than my need to have control when leading my dance follows and that she wasn't used to that. She said she liked someone else's style more but that i was more fun and the ultimate winner. Mentioned cuddling with me.
She did tell me directly someone else was easier to follow but that i was more fun. Nothing she mentioned was different than anything she told me surprisingly
She rambles a bit more about why she doesn't trust men but it was in a different location than the rest of her works
I used a VPN the whole time
To be fair the last diary has me way at the end two years and I'm within 10 blank pages left. The book is almost filled out that could be a factor
It wasn't as out in the open as the rest
@Love2travelbrah read that link
No one can decide what you want but you.
However, breakups have issues behind them. Those issues don't go away with the passage of time.
That's even if she fucks no one else the entire time.
more downtime than usual
It usually seems to be during my morning dump.
It's like I'm being targeted specifically, along with the website as a whole.
@Vermillion-Rx at the risk of sounding incredibly paranoid, is there a chance that she knows who you are on here, and baited you with those diaries?
Kind of odd that they were where you could find them, and that the current one stops the night she met you.
Update: I found her newest diary and bummed all the pages to my locked folder because i didn't have time to read it. Last day i could investigate
So much research available at my finger tips. And more lubeless black pills. Wish me luck boys. She mentioned me at the end and stopped writing just after meeting me. No mentions of anything the night after meeting me which is interesting.
It's like she didn't need to write more. Well boys I guess I'll make an FR about it. I don't know if anyone has done a diary FR before. Welcome to hell