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@Goingthedistance I haven't read through all the replies yet. I'll do that later.
Let me start with this:
1) have you actually read the sidebar?
2) have you digested the sidebar?
Your mistakes are some pretty basic shit, dude. Like, ultra-basic.
Blindly believing that a hoe was a virgin princess
Ignore their words and watch their actions // ignore what they say, but watch what they do
That maxim and its variations are repeated so much, in so many Red Pill writings over so many years, that I think a lot of people ignore it because it becomes cliche.
Well it's fucking true, though I'd augment it slightly to something more like "take her words with a huge grain of salt, and always compare them to her actions over time, which show who she truly is". Eh, that's a bit wordy, but I think you'll get it.
and that I'll finally have my dream warm LTR.
Like I keep telling people and recently told @NeoSpartan in a forums comment:
When did so many ostensibly Red Pilled dudes start thinking marriage was the goal?
Did you ever even read the sidebar?
From probably the most important post on it, HumanSockPuppet’s Guide to Managing Your Bitches:
2) A long-term relationship CANNOT be your end goal. You can only be OPEN to the possibility of having one.
Men are the gatekeepers of relationships. Since a relationship is what you have to offer, you mustn’t just give it away. It must be a reward she earns in small doses for inspiring your trust and devotion.
I understand that many of you want a LTR with a good girl – sometimes a series of flings isn’t enough to fulfill you. Believe me, I sympathize.
But winning a LTR is HER problem, not yours. Handing a girl your devotion won’t magically make her worthy of it. When you WANT a LTR too badly, you place your focus on the idea of having a relationship instead of evaluating the girl. You become fixated on your fantasy relationship and selectively ignore the things happening right in front of you: her deep character flaws, her indiscretions, and the red flags.
You must regard women as candidates applying for the job of being your girlfriend – a supporter, a lover, a comfort away from the everyday battles. Don't just hire a bitch because you want the position filled. Make sure you vet your candidates fiercely and hire the right girl for the job.
This guide will help you do just that.
3) This guide will be far less effective if you’re already married.
As a man, your ONLY power in a relationship is the power to revoke your attention, validation, and your time by walking away – sometimes for good. It’s the only strategy you have, but it’s a potent one, and for a very specific reason:
You may want a woman, but women NEED you.
The problem with marriage is that it strips you of the ability to completely walk away. Sure, you can still get a divorce, but not without shooting yourself in the foot, possibly losing your children and a significant portion of your hard-earned assets in the process.
Our current social climate is not amenable to marriage. If you’re already married, you have my condolences. If you’re not married but plan on it, then you’re a moron and you have no one to blame but yourself when your mistake comes back to bite you in the ass. And bite you it will.
The 10-15 years that the Married Red Pill Subreddit has been around has confirmed this, through the hundreds if not thousands of men who tried to save their marriages. The best they can do is make themselves more fuckable, and if the wife gets on board, great. If not, then it's time to burn it all down.
This knowledge has been at everyone's fingertips for over a decade now, and consistently reconfirmed.
So when I see guys in Red Pill spaces acting like marriage, commitment, LTRs are the goal, it makes me wonder if they even read anything or just showed up and started jumping into the conversation.
Seriously. Why the fuck is an LTR your goal? Your goal as a man is to get laid. You can be open to the possibility of an LTR, but if it's your goal, you'll be A) giving commitment too quickly and to the wrong women, and B) very off-putting to most women.
idk what hurts more, that I got played and ultimately rejected or that other guy was better than me?
A) your mostly mad at yourself for not seeing it coming
B) bear in mind that the other guy isn't necessarily better than you in any objective way, but rather just in her mind. And women are flighty.
I don't want to be a nice guy anymore
read the sidebar
Especially these two books, which I know are on MRP's sidebar but I don't recall if they're on TRP's: "No More Mr. NiceGuy" by Dr. Robert Glover and "When I Say No I Feel Guilty" by Dr. Manuel Smith.
You need to be assertive about what you want and need, and don't waste time with women who aren't fucking you. From either year 1 or year 2 of Rollo (which means it's on the sidebar): Wait for it?.
If she's not fucking you, she's fucking someone else. Move on and find one who will fuck you. Don't even let the word "relationship" or any of its variants like "LTR" enter your brain until you've been fucking a chick for several months and she has earned more than just dick.
Read More@SkeletonAdvice just use the site's search feature
It kicks ass
The Red Archive has a similar kickass search feature
In fact, they're both so superior to reddit's search, that I'll use one of them first then use that to find the reddit post
4h ago The Hub
@Goingthedistance You haven't done anything wrong. You picked a bad one. It happens. If your goal is a warm LTR, its going to need to be the right girls not just a girl with an available pussy. At least you found out she was wrong for you early not after you had started banging her.
Falling for someone is natural. If you lose that ability, you have damaged yourself with too much casual sex/ casual dating. Its a lot harder for a man to do this than for a woman but its still totally doable. Don't do it.
Its worth noting that to an extent women kiss to find out if they really want a man. Its biological and they don't usually understand that themselves but it allows them to check your genetic compatibility as a mate. You get a lot of french kissing at the start of a relationship but very little if any once you have been banging for years. Why -because she already knows all it has to tell her, she needs no further reassurance and you have already thorougly shared your biomes.
From a male reproductive point of view, compatibility is less important -if you can knock her up, well that's one more baby mother for you- but in her case its a 20 year investment to raising a child and that child needs to be the best one she can get. So don't be surprised if you kiss a woman and that's as far as it goes. Maybe, if you were Mr smooth, you could bang her a couple of times and get some so so sex before she got up the courage to say "No thanks" but this would help you not one bit in your quest for a warm LTR.
Be selective about who you chat up. Do you like the smell of her? Do you like the "aura" about her? If you look at this sort of rather subliminal thing, you are already screening for compatibility. I happen to have banged every woman I have ever kissed (and there are some you bang that you would never kiss). But I have actually been very selective about who I approached, only warming to women after I already felt a pull from them, rather than leading with my eyes.
My biggest mistake ever was kissing a woman the first time, knowing from that kiss that I was not into her and never could be, then banging her because I felt I should as she was very sweet and very committed to the idea of us. Led to years of misery and infidelity on my side before we finally got back to where we should have been after that kiss -saying goodbye.
Compatibility matters for a LTR. If its not there, then do not blame yourself, look elsewhere.
Read More9h ago The Hub
@Goingthedistance falling for someone is more or less involuntary [unless you are sociopath] so every rp man is bp in this regard
you are still doing better than many here and many that offed themselves
but then you want to get hurt, but in a controlled manner,
I would bet that if you approach RP seriously, with all this info at hand you are 'safe', dudes suffer a lot because of the lies, you only suffer because it is natural
it will come to you
Can you vibe enough to kiss them but not vibe enough to fuck them?
Believe it or not, a lot of women will kiss a lot of guys. It's very easy for them to deescalate from and "not going to far" if they just want the validation or don't want to do more
10h ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx Can you vibe enough to kiss them but not vibe enough to fuck them?