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I have stopped and thought about the occasional real anger expressed in the posts on the internet. Imagined the sausage male fingers hitting the little letters on the little screen. Correcting the spellings and a sentence construction so the anger and disrespect is better expressed.
By the time its finished, unless the sausage fingers can type as fast as a girl*, the real impulsive anger is gone. What linger is:
But it's okay.
We need gay. There's too many men on the planet competing each other.
- with an exception of 'fuck you' quickly typed in a toilet, between flushing and wiping
@Typo-MAGAshiv Oh and as to your "hey you're alive"
I'm very hard to kill!
Except cancer. That's probably gonna get me given the quantity of cigars I smoke.
@deeplydisturbed as an aside, it's outrageous that you would question my patriotism.
I would never say some fuckshit like that to a fellow American. Sure, I may think some are misinformed, maybe misguided... But to say that they hate America?
I guess I have more faith in my countrymen than you do.
@deeplydisturbed I thought I told you not to talk to me again. You're a retard and a bitch.
Come to Kentucky and I'll break your goddamn fingers so you learn manners on the Internet .
You got pissed off because I disagreed with your views.
I can tolerate a lot of bullshit but when you had the fucking audacity to say that I hated America, we were (and still are) done.
Don't fucking talk to me again.
Oh, and you wouldn't say it to my face because I'd beat the shit out of you.
I do apologize for being a dick. I got pisesd off at your ignorance, and I should be more patient than that.
And you are super wrong if you think I would not say it to your face. Are you pulling the whole "I was a navy seal" copy pasta thing right now?
I stand by my words.
And, @Typo-MAGshiv, "Fuck you" is technically not an ad-hominem, it is a rude expression.
Get it right.
I don't kink shame
@Problematic_Browser typo was projecting
He wants you to kiss him and then he want the disturbed one as well.
Before you 'll know you both will wake up in typo's cellar donning a tight gimp suite