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@MentORPHEUS yeah, I might disagree with him on a few things, but his content is consistently good and helps expand one's thinking about some of this stuff
2h ago The Hub
check out Rian Stone's YouTube channel.
Strongly second this. Rian has uploaded THOUSANDS of hours of EXCELLENT Red Pill content. Sidebar content, Mids Watch series which goes in depth on a field report or RP principle in each episode, and a weekly Saturday podcast which he's getting burned out doing without the content having gotten stale or repetitive. One of the few podcasters on ANY topic who I can't point to a single episode of his that's a dud.
@Vermillion-Rx check out Rian Stone's YouTube channel.
He has playlists dedicated to various sidebar readings.
Maybe watch his video on each chapter after reading it.
do not use this as a substitute for the actual reading
Hell, he says that himself at the start of each of these
I'm on page 12 or so. I read it at the gym, but was out of gym for a while and then when I was back in, was always replying to the narc.
Back to reading it
Replying to myself because I want to recommend this book to anyone reading along, not just to Vermy. Shit. This is like the thousandth time I've told him that he needs to read it.
WISNIFG is 1 of the top 3 required reading books on MRP's sidebar, the other two being "No More Mr. NiceGuy" by Dr. Robert Glover and "Married Man Sex Life Primer" by Athol Kay.
These three books are placed above Rollo, Roissy, anything else.
For those of you who aren't already married, forget Athol Kay for now. His work is among the most valuable in the entire history of Red Pill, but it can wait if you aren't already committed.
The other two books: as Rian Stone frequently says, most men would be 80% of the way to solving all of their problems if they just read and apply these two books. He's right. We almost all grew up raised primarily by women, learning to be people-pleasers instead of assertive men.
NMMNG gets a lot of love all over the manosphere (and it should!), but WISNIFG gets forgotten and neglected.
I think it's actually the more important of the two.
It's the origin of the Assertive Bill of Rights.
It's the origin of fogging, which is one of the greatest tools at our disposal.
I can't recommend this book strongly enough.
Read More@Typo-MAGAshiv I believe the trick is to be an asshole to assholes and a straight edge to those that are not constantly looking to fuck you over.
@deeplydisturbed MHD is one of the YouTubers I like the most
I can't stand very many of them, and I have my complaints about every single one of them (even Rian and Rollo as well as MHD), but he is definitely one of the good ones.
But then again either do women and they ARR human
ARR human
Avast ye scurvy dog! Vcards upon ye!
One crying woman in the public gallery had to be consoled by a second at this stage before saying "f*** off", prompting Judge Neil Flewitt KC to tell her: "Just calm down a moment. She is not getting a sentence anything like that."
....whereas if the defendant had been a man who made pornographic content with a minor (even one whom he didn't know was a minor), he'd receive the max sentence and be on a sex offender registry for the rest of his life.