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6m ago The Hub
Alan Watts Philosophies of Asia
youtube. com/playlist?list=PLFDyQhzjCBY1mZEY-35aPOsT5kZfY9cUW
1h ago The Hub
Watching a totally unrelated topic this popped up.
Well spoken couple. 24min.
youtu. be/Q4F3RzQIQEs
1h ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx as a post scriptum to my previous reply. try something out for the first few days if you muster the courage to stop drinking. In short, eat a lot of sweets.
The long thing - a thing I learned from AA is that a lot of recovering alcoholics crave sweets - chocolate, sugary bars, cakes, you name it, sugary shit. Leaving aside the fact that you're changing one vice for another, this craving is not so random: alcohol acts similar to sugar in some ways once you ingest it and it breaks down in your body, and your body becomes accustomed to getting a lot of "sugar". In other sources I've read that it lowers your blood sugar. But whatever angle you look at it, once you stop the alcohol ingestion, your body will notice that it lacks sugar, and you WILL crave it.
This happened to me as well, I still get these cravings. I particularly like chocolate sweets (chocolate bars, Snickers, wafers, lava cakes, the like).
Your body also became accustomed to the unnatural high dopamine hits from alcohol and, in short, this is what keeps you going back to it, so in a way you will mimic this with the aforementioned sugary treats, albeit probably at a much smaller scale. But try it out before actually getting these cravings. Think of it as a preemptive strike. I would've tried it if I'd known this. The next time you are craving alcohol eat your favorite cake instead, and eat it fully. In the end it's these dopamine spikes that are causing the addiction, whatever the medium might be.
In retrospect, I realized that while drinking I generally did not eat anything with sugar, but on the times when I did gave myself a sugary treat before drinking something, I did not feel the same need to drink alcohol. Don't expect miracles though.
You might replace one vice with another, but I think being addicted to sugar for a while is way better than being addicted to alcohol. Make sure this doesn't worsen your psychotic episodes if you have them though, I don't know the relationship between bipolar disorder and sugar, but I can only assume it's not a good one. And check your blood sugar regularly.
Of course, this alone won't work as a substitution. I can not stress it enough to check in with your psychiatrist, no matter what.
Read More@bambinosupremo is this where I post field reports to learn how to get better?
I would consider it. But humans are humans. She would never understand me.
But then again either do women and they ARR human
It’s a great channel. He does this routinely.
@deeplydisturbed Hey, you know - props to that show for actually singling out the woman as the problem - that's counter to the popular narrative and that's rare!
This future is slowly approaching boys. Buckle up... and don't blink. Things are changing quickly.