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Update on the crowdsource effort for no ads on forums. I changed my own personal donation from $6 per month to 14.99
If anyone is interested in doing the 2.99 or 6.00 per month me me know. we currently have $40/100 from everyone who has chipped so far and if you chip in now your perks of zero ads will stay permanent even if we have to bring ads back after or if you are unable to keep donating later on.
If the site brings you value consider tossing some pocket change towards the site quality
@Stigma considering how often signs get ignored, I doubt it
And that's whether it's a friend sincerely trying to ease suffering, or someone who wants to keep a fatty in their fat state
@Typo-MAGAshiv A cardboard placard with "no feeding the exhibit beasts" should deter them, right?
@Vermillion-Rx they didn't really think this through
wall with human sized openings
Friends, frenemies, and saboteurs will bring food for the fatties.
2h ago The Hub
@Baron No psychologist in the world can answer this question. Its likely a combination of both. Lovebombing usually comes from emotionally unstable person. One day they can feel very intense and real emotions, call you soulmate and wanting to spend life with you, just to block you out of the blue next day.
Take it from experienced guy - NEVER take lovebombing serious, and never fall for it. It can have devastating consequences for receiver as well. For your own good, be indifferent to it.
Learning about this should be mandatory for any player, since a lot of women exhibit these traits.
@Typo-MAGAshiv I am into cigarillos. Honestly though the cheap ass cigarillos I buy could be full of chemicals and I don't trust them. I trust 100% natural (as in components) Cuban cigars with no sprays or chemicals added in. I read somewhere that cigarettes have additional 2000 chemicals/components added in apart from tobacco, so they're pretty dangerous.
@derdeutscher Are they actually infatuated tho or just pretending?
5h ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx I think it's new, not to be able to vote on the old threads
Here you go, I'm providing it to everyone out of the gatekeeping whoever made this meme did to me
I was so pissed off that this meme didn't have a template online other than the original Soviet poster that i edited it into a template myself