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Read it dude. No wonder you were defending oneitis. Why are you even here if you're not going to understand basic RP?
That's like joining a chemistry club and refusing to read the periodic table of elements
Holy shit. I didn't know he didn't read the sine bar. My god
Interesting read. 'Course, getting to the end I couldn't help but ask myself the question, "Alright, so you've identified the toxin. Now do you simply set about treating the symptoms or do you actually trace it back to its source?"
Part of me hates to be so uncharitable but if I had a dollar for every woman I've met who professes to be critical of feminism yet balks when I suggest going beyond opposition to the superficial excesses of the "modern" variety... suffice to say I'd be a fair bit less worried about my medical debts.
6h ago The Hub
@redpillschool Merry Christmas. And godspeed into the new year.
12h ago The Hub
Aaaand I continue to suck. That link goes to the comments (which are good, but only in the context of the article itself). This link goes to the article.
I’ve been OBE for so long that I seem to have forgotten how to internet… or that “internet” isn’t a verb.
13h ago The Hub
Crap… I accidentally put this in the wrong tribe. Apparently I don’t go well and deserve many v-cards because I suck at the internet.
Anyway… here it is again.
I stumbled across a surprisingly good article written by - of all people - a female psychologist. Even the comments are worth reading.
Much red-pill, although I doubt she realizes that guys like us have been talking about this for years.
A'ight, back to RL and family for a while.
Merry Christmas, nerds.
All I want for Christmas is the beautiful people!