Discussion about the 5th gen war
36m ago 5th Generation War
Cc' @Stigma
Let me explain the situation in Syria to you.
Half the fighters in HTS and the other terrorist groups that form the so called "opposition" are imported "Jihadis" that are not even Syrian (Uzbeks, Iraqis and white dudes that left Europe to join ISIS and other terrorist groups). They also include Ukrainians and other international mercenaries/jihadis.
Those ruffians were paid close to $2000 a month for their services (compare that to $40 a month a general in the Syrian army was getting). Which is a lot of money in that area.
Where did that money come from?
Well, like Trump said in an interview:
"I took the oil in Syria, I got the oil, we got the oil, we're protecting the oil, we got the oiiil".
The USA along the Kurdish separatists they are sponsoring occupied the Syrian part that has the oil and the fertile agricultural lands.
Furthermoe they imposed the maximum sanctions packages, the so-called "Caesar Sanctions". Effectively starving the population and starving the Syrian regime.
For all instances and purposes, the Syrian regime should have collapsed in 2013, but Russia intervened in 2015 and started a bombing campaign against the USA/israel sponsored terrorist groups (Al Qaeda, ISIS, Al Nusra, HTS etc.) effectively restoring some stability to a war ravaged and cash starved country. (But too little too late imo).
So Syria, like the 7 countries on that list that was drafted by the Pentagon (at the bereft of their masters in Tel Aviv) on the eve of the Iraq war, was targetted for destabilization and regime change.
Once again, foreign western meddling to retain global hegemony by controlling strategic supply routes.
Evil Empire.
Read More1h ago 5th Generation War
@CentralLLL I suppose it’s easy to expand across vast swathes of diddly squat
1h ago 5th Generation War
@Lionsmane8 See, on the one hand you’re on the level - you know what’s up. Then on the other hand you completely shit the bed and say wHiTe MaN bAd, like you’ve a personal vendetta against us all. You also take my bait every single time.
7h ago 5th Generation War
@Stigma it fun to look at this map and see how quickly, from the middle of the desert, muslim word has expanded. Jews: hold my beer.
8h ago 5th Generation War
you should ask their employer (the CIA)
For an agument sake lets asume for every 1000 fighters there was, 1 actual US/EU soldier was present - with a uuuuge pile of cash and a gun. So the US/EU meddle because they want some business in Syria.
I guess why these 1000꙳꙳꙳ fighters accepted the money and the priveleges.
Arabs destroy thier own countries for the ass [hmm] power and money.
Arguably not only ofc.
I gues it would take one person that is paid off to trouble this website wether for feeling of the power or for the money.
8h ago 5th Generation War
@Stigma Egypt is keeping it fairly civil because of money flowing from tourism and eventually a foreigh aid. If Egypt will develop past the tourism only it will eventually get stable over there for longer.
Syria doesn't have this problem. It is destroyed and anyone over there won't be able to keep peace for any extended period of time, because for that they need the money and the money is lacking. If the money is lacking then 'brothers' / tribes will be allowed to do shit.
Sure there will be pipe running, but it won't be enough to pay everyone off.
9h ago 5th Generation War
Just another Casus Belli.
As for HTS (Hayat Tahrir Al Sham) you should ask their employer (the CIA) to do that. Ousting Al Assad's secular regime and replacing it with an off-shoot of Al Nusra and Al Qaeda and then expecting them to behave is the epitome of naïveté imo.
12h ago 5th Generation War
What is this about?
Why the Crusades were awesome, actually
tl;dw Christians from across Europe joined together to save their brothers and sisters from barbaric treatment at the hands of muslims (multiple times).
Let's hope the new Syrian regime treat the Christian Syrian's with dignity and respect, I'd sure hate for them to have to find out.
18h ago 5th Generation War
19h ago 5th Generation War
@Typo-MAGAshiv That's exactly what the video says! I'll look into the book, ta.