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1h ago The Hub
@carnold03 Given your obsession with dogs, I was reminded of a music video featuring dogs, and I sent you the link.
I wasn't expecting you to be this dedicated to the K9 craft to the point you'd bitch about it.
Unsolicited? It's a YouTube link, not my erect cock, calm down.
@woodsmoke I try (and fail) to practice this in cycles. One day it'll stick, one day.
You got any tips to cut it out?
Part of me is tempted to be a jackass and post the Michael Jordan meme but I'll be good.
I can't offer much more than moral support but you're getting both barrels o' that. Get the help you need, sir. We'll be here for you when you need to blow off some steam.
And that is why, despite respecting the hell out of y'all, I am not a tradie.
It probably wouldn't be to someone who pays attention to news and current events. I realized about 15 years ago I am far happier and less of an asshole to everyone around me if I don't worry about shit I can't control and which has no impact on my day-to-day affairs, so I cut pretty well any form of news beyond talking to the neighbors out of my life and never looked back.
Can't recommend it enough, really.
I did see Razorfist made a video a while back about the whole Luigi case not really passing the sniff test but haven't looked into it any deeper than that.
3h ago The Hub
My drug of choice for bipolar disorder.
Self-medicating for legit biochemical issues is problematic in itself. But choosing ALCOHOL, which only ADDS physical, social, psychological, and physical issues ON TOP OF those the underlying bipolar bring? Ugh, what a downward spiral alcohol represents here.
Get in touch with local AA group. From everything I've heard, this has WORKED for countless people who failed at other ways to tackle their alcohol back-monkey. Going cold turkey from heavy alcohol consumption comes with medical risks, something those further down the path of breaking this addiction are best qualified to help with.
The GOOD news here: once you stop poisoning your body with alcohol, the secondary issues often resolve themselves. Alcohol breaks down first into acetaldehyde in the bloodstream, which like its cousin formaldehyde, poisons and hurts EVERY cell in the body, faster than natural building and healing processes can keep up.
Not sure I'd recommend going with a dopamine-pathway manipulator like Naltrexone as a first or even second resort.
You've got this, brother. And, you have a community of men here interested in your well being and development as a man. Admitting the issue and your responsibility for it is a big first step. Now, continue on the path to betterment!
Read More3h ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx I've read about a drug called naltrexone being used successfully to lessen the urge to drink. Might be worth trying. Regardless of how you choose to address it, I believe you'll be able to do so effectively.
4h ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx Sorry to hear that. Alcohol is one of the most dangerous drugs out there and getting help from others is a good idea. Even telling everyone here how you are getting along will help a tiny bit as it gives you a whole group pf people to disappoint when you lapse and to applaud when you don't.
It is going to hurt but you are capable of sorting this. You have completed self improvement projects before.
The abstinence side is probably the biggest thing to work on but can you find other things too to replace the dopamine hit?