The Red Pill: Discussion of sexual strategy in a culture increasingly lacking a positive identity for men.
1w ago TheRedPill
You cannot out-exercise a bad diet.
ALWAYS start with diet. THEN go to the gym. Or how about both. But diet, diet, diet.
That's why it is "Diet and exercise" instead of "Exercise and diet"
1) if you've gone on this many outings without trying to escalate, you're probability FriendZoned already.
2) Don't get too hung up on any one particular woman. This shit is about becoming more attractive and fuckable to increase your chances with all women. It has never been about getting any one woman.
With any woman: just fucking escalate until you either get laid or get rejected. If you get rejected, at least you have your answer and can forget that one and try again with a different one.
Im pretty high body fat rn.
Work on that. Are you lifting weights?
1w ago TheRedPill
Im 18m, they're 18f (im almost 19).
So these 2 girls came to my country through erasmus for 1 month as an exchange program. They're not the best looking but I'll take what I can get cus Im pretty high body fat rn. (85kg 186 but not ugly)
So me and my friend talked to them and we organised a date, went on a double date and went great. (no kiss or anything) Then the next day in the morning i texted them. Me: You up? Her: Yeah. Me : Do you like movies Her : Yeah why? Me: Wanna come over and watch sum? Her: We're gonna be playing basketball with your friend, you should come. (They live in the same village im 30 mins away by bus)
They did that and my friend told me that they were creeped out cus they thought I wanted to **** (ofc I did). Then next week we went out again (double date with friend)and it went alright no kiss again although she was putting her head very close to me, but I didnt lean in for the kiss for some reason.
During the ending of the date they organised next day a dinner date at their home. And I had no bus that day but was willing to pay a taxi in order to maybe smash. Next day came and she told me that the male exchange students had to attend our dinner date because the school made it necessary for them to come.
I didnt really feel like going so I made up an excuse that the taxi wasn't driving.
A few days after when my friend and them both came to the city before class they told him, that the fact that I wont go when she told me the guys were going, creeped them out aswell. And that i "didnt try to hide my intentions".
Any advice on how to not be "creepy"? Or maybe sum else, cus they called me creepy a week ago but still went on a other date and invited me home. So maybe look at her actions and not words?
Nobody cares about thots. The real concern is that you're fat and unemployed. If you're wrapping up your time in high school or starting your first year of college use your idle time to focus yourself on the first problem and use your remaining time to identify marketable skills you possess or potential trades you're interested in learning.
As for the females, consider investing into a reliable ready reference you can pick up and study to better prepare yourself for engaging the opposite sex. I'd suggest that you get yourself a copy of Doc Love's "The System: The Dating Dictionary". Doc Love, who until his passing was also known as Tom Hodges, wrote a weekly advice column that's archive is mirrored on several mens focused sites and a podcast. His media is a bit pricey, but it's a solid foundation a guy can branch out from in RP aware circles. I'd suggest you review his advice column to decide if his view on dating and relationships is aligned with what you aspire for yourself. To save yourself a search, give this scribed link a gander to find out if his book is something you'd like to add to your library. It should also be available on libgen.
Read More1w ago TheRedPill
Im 18m, they're 18f (im almost 19).
So these 2 girls came to my country through erasmus for 1 month as an exchange program. They're not the best looking but I'll take what I can get cus Im pretty high body fat rn. (85kg 186 but not ugly)
So me and my friend talked to them and we organised a date, went on a double date and went great. (no kiss or anything) Then the next day in the morning i texted them. Me: You up? Her: Yeah. Me : Do you like movies Her : Yeah why? Me: Wanna come over and watch sum? Her: We're gonna be playing basketball with your friend, you should come. (They live in the same village im 30 mins away by bus)
They did that and my friend told me that they were creeped out cus they thought I wanted to **** (ofc I did). Then next week we went out again (double date with friend)and it went alright no kiss again although she was putting her head very close to me, but I didnt lean in for the kiss for some reason.
During the ending of the date they organised next day a dinner date at their home. And I had no bus that day but was willing to pay a taxi in order to maybe smash. Next day came and she told me that the male exchange students had to attend our dinner date because the school made it necessary for them to come.
I didnt really feel like going so I made up an excuse that the taxi wasn't driving.
A few days after when my friend and them both came to the city before class they told him, that the fact that I wont go when she told me the guys were going, creeped them out aswell. And that i "didnt try to hide my intentions".
Any advice on how to not be "creepy"? Or maybe sum else, cus they called me creepy a week ago but still went on a other date and invited me home. So maybe look at her actions and not words?
Read More2w ago TheRedPill
@carnold03 thanks for the advice. She has already gotten over it and even apologized. I am the one who's having trouble getting over it. I know four years is a long time to stay a girlfriend and I have to change the status of things soon. Thanks for the book recommendation, I'll check it out.
2w ago TheRedPill
Could you guys give me a book recommendation with practical steps on how to get more self-confident and develop an alpha frame on a deep, subconscious level?
I know the game and all, but sometimes I have a bad instinctive reaction (sometimes just body language) to some shit tests or new situation. I can hold it back, by just saying nothing for a while and realizing what's happening (my intuitive reaction would fail the shit test / situation). I don't want these close calls anymore.
How can I develop such a deep alpha mentality / frame that I react correctly without getting emotionally triggered and having to wait until I'm clear minded and calm?
Self-confidence usually grows as a result of pursuing and overcoming the various challenges of life. During which time, you come to understand what interests, drives, and motivates you. To that end, I suggest that you get yourself two sheets of paper and a pen.
On the first sheet write down a list of things that you've been putting off on the back burner due to work, schooling, or just life in general. It doesn't matter how silly, or stupid the task or idea might be, just write it down. When you're done, take the second sheet of paper, and re-write the items from the first list starting with what you believe to be the simplest, easiest task, to the most complicated.
When you're done with the second list, get to work. The challenge once you've got the list done won't be simply accomplishing them, but not allowing yourself to be de-spirited whenever you encounter difficulty, or failure. To not let yourself be defeated. You'll spend the time to troubleshoot and diagnose the problem, then start over. If you need help, ask. There's no shortage of #books we can recommend that may help you achieve your goal.
Best of luck to you.
Read MoreI know the game and all
No, you don't, or you wouldn't use phrases such as:
develop an alpha frame
...which read like they come straight from one of our shitposts in the shitpost tribe that makes fun of newbies butchering the terminology.
But anyway...
It doesn't happen overnight. It's going to take time, work, introspection, self-awareness, calibration, and recalibration.
"Praxeology Volume 1: Frame" by Rian Stone.
"No More Mr. NiceGuy" by Dr. Robert Glover .
"When I Say No I Feel Guilty" by Dr. Manuel Smith.
2w ago TheRedPill
Could you guys give me a book recommendation with practical steps on how to get more self-confident and develop an alpha frame on a deep, subconscious level?
I know the game and all, but sometimes I have a bad instinctive reaction (sometimes just body language) to some shit tests or new situation. I can hold it back, by just saying nothing for a while and realizing what's happening (my intuitive reaction would fail the shit test / situation). I don't want these close calls anymore.
How can I develop such a deep alpha mentality / frame that I react correctly without getting emotionally triggered and having to wait until I'm clear minded and calm?
I think we are working with slightly different definitions here
Yeah, I'm using the Red Pill definition :P
I just don't see value in calling a man having options dread.
1) Red Pill communities have done so for a decade plus
2) because a woman seeing that her man has other options keeps a latent sense of dread within her that is necessary for her to remain interested