Uncensored discussion of the four-year dark winter predicted by and carried out by Biden
@itsovER several places
21h ago The Dark Winter
@Typo-MAGAshiv I am sorry sir, unfortunately I wasnt blessed enough to be educated by the US ARMY. hoping to be like you one day genius
21h ago The Dark Winter
@Typo-MAGAshiv I am not gonna bother tbh, at this point you're just lying to yourself. and yes I am practicing taqiyya and I am currently with a squad of very scary dangerous muslims we're planning our subversion in the west with the help of leftist friends, we're planning to kill, steal, rape, you name it while also replacing the white race. cant believe MAGA heroes have caught us again. shit. LONG LIVE AMERICA, LONG LIVE THE FREE WORLD, and most importantly LONG LIVE ISRAEL AND DA JOOZZZ
and some
forgetful[truly vile]
Not sure wtf is with this phone.
you started the racist ramblings
A) that word has no power
B) show me where I was RaCiSt besides calling you "beeb", which was long after you said a ton of different shit, mostly retarded and some forgetful
C) no. you did, what with using "Indian" as if it's an insult (and using it that way on a guy without a drop of Indian blood, which is just weird)
is it evil if I consider anyone who participates in a war that murdered and took hundreds of thousands of life scummy?
It's evil that you would lie like that.
1) Arab Muslims kill far more of each other, by far.
2) Arab muslims massacred Kurdish Muslims by the millions. We helped stop that (at least for a while) when we removed Saddam.
3) that part of the world is doomed to remain a shithole, unless by some miracle Islam's grip on it disappears and a few generations pass.
4) "murdered"?! We "murdered" no one. We very carefully only targeted Iraq's military until Saddam was toppled, and then only terrorists once they started showing up later. We went out of our way to avoid collateral damage. Again, far more of those inbred retards killed each other. That lie of yours is easily the most evil thing you've said. Either you're a brainwashed retard, or a liar practicing Taqiyya.
and yes the people you stand by categorize you with muslims
What on earth retardation are you on about now?!
Read More23h ago The Dark Winter
Lots of the guys are just racists playing "blame the foreigners" game.
You can't hide behind "racist" anymore. Thousands of pakistani muslims have raped, tortured and abused British girls. Thousands more have robbed, attacked and taken advantage of their host nation. I would sooner be known as "racist" than have my family be a victim to any of those crimes.
The fact that you go to bat for the criminals tells me everything I need to know. It's that simple.
I judge a man by his character, first and foremost, and the character of whole communities is left wanting.