Uncensored discussion of the four-year dark winter predicted by and carried out by Biden
My response to his retardation, part 3:
My response to his retardation, part 2:
LMAO, holy shit the retardation of that retarded retard is boundless.
We have each other blocked, so I usually don't suffer through any of it, but that passage you quoted made me actually bust out laughing. Holy fuck.
My response to his retardation, part 1:
If the Idiotic Inbred Islamist is actually concerned about actual racism, then he'll want to police up his Johnny-come-lately (but never into a woman!) ally of his. He has an irrational hatred of Indians and blacks.
no country on earth currently applies sharia law. only war ridden afghanistan.
Saudi Arabia sprung to mind right away. Yemen. Qatar.
I did a quick web search to make sure I wasn't misremembering, and there are tons more.
Are you even capable of telling the truth? About anything? Ever?
calling them racists is a compliment bud.
Maybe to an actual racist piece of shit like yourself, it is.
To the rest of us, it's a meaningless buzzword that has lost any power it may have had 20 years ago and induces an eyeroll or maybe some derisive laughter at most.
3h ago The Dark Winter
@Lionsmane8 calling them racists is a compliment bud. they wanna be racist, your dealing with edgy 40 year olds rotting on a manosphere forum
7h ago The Dark Winter
@Lionsmane8 Yuck.... have some vcards.
8h ago The Dark Winter
@Typo-MAGAshiv ... no country on earth currently applies sharia law. only war ridden afghanistan, and far from fully. but I definitely agree with the idea.
11h ago The Dark Winter
Shut up Racist. Stop pretending Racist. I know and you know that you are nothing but a racist. You only have other racists to vindicate you racism. Fucking racist.
11h ago The Dark Winter
Shut up Racist. Stop pretending Racist. I know and you know that you are nothing but a racist. You only have other racists to vindicate you racism. Fucking racist.