Uncensored discussion of the four-year dark winter predicted by and carried out by Biden
38m ago The Dark Winter
U.S. service deaths.
Again, who cares about US occupation forces. Why was that your first reflex?
you made it a western only phenomenon in your critique.
Because in 2024-2025, the West is the only one that still indulges in this shit.
I didn't say every Muslim does, but the only places that practice stoning still and legal permit wife beating just seems to happen to be Muslim sharia areas.
Where did you get this information from? Again. Been all over the globe, and never seen such thing. You make it seem like everyone is carrying a bucket of rocks and waiting to stone an XX chromosome carrier. Have you ever been outside of your suburbia? Because frankly speaking you are talking out of sheer ignorance. As for wife beating, I've seen more drunk wide dudes beating their girlfriends and wives in the West than in a mainstream Muslim country. Heck, lay your fingers on a woman here, wife or not, and expect every male relative of hers to catch you at the corner of the street for a "friendly chat".
Which brings me to Sharia Law... Do you know what that is even?
The whole reason your elites have trained you to detest Sharia Law and Islam is because it directly attacks the root of their power. Under Sharia Law, interest would be banned and the tax rate will be significantly lower (2.5% for Zakat and additional taxes charged on land sales). Effectively cutting the power of both the banking cartel and of the State.
You'd wish you lived under the Sharia.
I swear to God, people are so ignorant and foolish. It is easier to rule than to educate.
Read More52m ago The Dark Winter
55m ago The Dark Winter
Dude. Your argument makes no sense. If honor killings were permitted, we would have rivers of blood here. No one would take the risk to bring a girl to life. Makes no sense.
Also, when a jealous husband in the west kills his cheating wife ... why is it not called honor killing? In Western societies were violence is so predominant, why is this not accounted for? Or maybe there is a racist bias there?
2h ago The Dark Winter
Hey all, does anyone here know or heard of anything about Title IX at college campuses? Just asking because something similar happened to me last year.
3h ago The Dark Winter
@Typo-MAGAshiv Yes that is my biggest complaint against modern marriage.
The law will only step in to a marriage when the marriage is to all practical purposes over. When the state steps in it just causes more pain to an already painful experience. Marriage is a contract that the law does not protect, it just makes it all worse when it goes wrong. Signing that contract buys you nothing, secures you nothing but could cost you most of a life's work.
Sadly signing a marriage contract is taking a bet against yourself. You will pay if you were wrong about her and your relationship. How could you know what will come when you are probably in your 20's?
5h ago The Dark Winter
@Typo-MAGAshiv saar I was making it clear I wanna end the retarded debate.
6h ago The Dark Winter
@Typo-MAGAshiv saaaarr please accept mee I wuzz whiter than bleached chalk ????????
@Ill_Will7 *they're much worse
He's gradually falling into the troll category in my book.
Check this out. Just what a troll would say.
I know it pisses him off
That's rich hahaha
Anyone can read through the entire thing and see that the only one who ever looked pissed off is you, you retard
The only emotional reactions I've had are amusement and mild annoyance, but both of which were at how fucking moronic you are
Look at this screenshot. Who looks pissed off?
I'll give you a hint, idiot: it's you.