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Wow. That sucks. I am so genuinely sorry.
I would never be able to deal with that much longer than I did. Let's just say I didn't want to be around any longer.
Alas - I am still here. And I tend to make that a problem for everyone.
Thanks for sharing that, Yes, ive had that about a dozen times in my life, it's a brutal transformative emotional state.
I also experience that detachment/surrealness outside of those critical moments too.
I'm prone to it and will just get into that state without the huge emotional response leading up to it
@derdeutscher If dark-triadness can be cultivated so can be toughness/high threshold to stress and anti-autism. I don't believe that horseshit that autism was just more prominent or just as prominent in the past only now the scientific diagnoses of autism just miraculously grew and before nobody was that eager like in the 90s or 2000s or 2010s (early). Autistic symptoms rise with Internet and computer use.
Unpopular opinion alert:
for many men (NOT all) the best way to develop is to sort out your own shit internally.
Knowing that no one is coming to your rescue and that no one cares offers an odd sort of freedom. And it makes the right men stronger.
The number of things I no longer give s hit about is epic.
And the number of bullshit shenanigans I will no longer tolerate is equally large.
I don't think I would have arrived at this place (which is an awesome place to be) without going through the fire.
WITH THAT SAID - I do recognize exactly how this can lead a man to self-delete.
This is no joke - this relationship, exploitation of men, marriage, divorce, family court, Duluth model, feminist insanity we are seeing.
4h ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv Its what it is...men are expected to be a man. Just when we actually ARE a man (somewhat dark triad, tough, resilient, dominant, etc.) society brainwashes us how we should not be like that. THAT is what makes my blood boil.
Cut off those that always seem to be shrouded in drama. They'll stir your pot unnecessarily to fill the void that is their life.
Based on the infographic, yes. Although I am not sure it would rise to the level of an actual diagnosis.
When I went through my divorce, and learned what I learned about my mother, my sister, and my mother in law, AND my sister in law - and the shit they did and said behind my back...
It was like an out-of-body experience.
Keep in mind, it was ME who asked for the divorce. And it was ME who had the grievances.
Didn't matter. Women stick together - even against their own blood. They do not understand loyalty whatsoever. I will never trust a woman again the way I naively did before.
And most of the symptom listed - let's just say I can relate. It was fairly brief, but the symptoms lasted a while.
Here's a question that sort of dovetails with your OP Vermillion:
Have you ever cried a really ugly cry? I don't mean buggers, tears, and awkwardness on the outside. I mean the very dark evil nasty ugly part of your very fucking soul. The part of you that, when it gets broken you know it is never coming back.
During the time I mention above, I was driving from my parent's house, and all this shit hit me at once. It was like the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. Just one thing after another - and I don't mean hard times, or difficulties, i mean serious unforgivable betrayals.
Red Pill Rage does not even come close to explaining this feeling. And this was way beyond black pill anything.
I had fundamentally changed. And I knew the old me would never return.
I have written about this before, and the way it felt to me was like they had killed the innocent little boy that was inside me. Always willing to protect, and please others, and take care of people. I could shoulder all the burdens with a smile. The upbeat little dude that always wanted to make things fun, light, and happy no matter how bad the circumstances.
I (metaphorically) watched that little dude bleed out right in front of me. And there was nothing I could do to stop it. Things went in slow motion. I felt that out of body thing. Call it dissociation if you will. But I don't ever want to feel that way again. It is best for those around me that I never cry like that again.
They killed my best self. Now we are all left with this version of me. And while I still function in many ways like I did before - I am NOT the same man.
Anyone reading this who has experienced this sort of thing knows exactly what I am talking about.
I am not a good man. Not sure if I ever was one. But I try really hard to be one. And that little guy that used to live inside me is now dead. All I have now is his memory.
So back to the OP , yes. I know that feeling. And I would make a bet that most mass murderers (and other "Crimes of passion") are borne of such feelings.
One would think that society would want to address this.
Read MoreFor lack of a better graphic, i don't know where my go to example was saved
Not necessarily what I'm trying to convey