Uncensored discussion of the four-year dark winter predicted by and carried out by Biden
[Let's try this again in the right tribe...]
UK can't/won't even defend its own borders, but might be committing troops to defending Ukraine's border.
...if they can actually get any young men to join up.
1w ago The Dark Winter
See Carnold.
That's why I like you bro!
So, don't waste your energy getting drawn into distractions, use that anger to renew, drive, and maintain your focus. You've got more important concerns, among which being the building of your library.
Yes sir!
1w ago The Dark Winter
You and 2-3 others on this platform I consider to be high level worthwhile people.
You're not a target of my rants.
Why would I be? I shared with you an awesome idea well within our civilizations technological means to make a reality, assuming what we've been told regarding the technology is true. So, don't waste your energy getting drawn into distractions, use that anger to renew, drive, and maintain your focus. You've got more important concerns, among which being the building of your library.
1w ago The Dark Winter
You and 2-3 others on this platform I consider to be high level worthwhile people.
You're not a target of my rants.
1w ago The Dark Winter
Do I look like I care what sour racists think of me?
Since when have we been able to see each other here?
1w ago The Dark Winter
@Lionsmane8 being a real man takes that level of narcisism I guess, so yeah it is
@Stigma seeing euroweenies clamor in favor of war instead of simultaneously decrying the US for being "too war-like" and relying on our protection is rather strange.
Seeing that German politician actually cry like a little bitch after JD Vance's speech was hilarious, too.
These last couple of decades have been very strange.
@999canaveral he lost his credibility the moment he announced he was Muslim with anyone who actually understands Islam.
Not to mention all the stupid, ignorant shit he has said in his time on here. Probably the most egregious example of his ignorance.
1w ago The Dark Winter
@Lionsmane8 not only you lost the credibility with the folks that are here 1y+, you also sound corny or cringe now