Discussion about the 5th gen war
5h ago 5th Generation War
@Stigma Good point. Red pill wants the truth, bitter or not. If he vented this to some Western academics , he would largely be praised. However since he is here and has the courage to debate, let us debate with him with good heart.
5h ago 5th Generation War
@First-light He just wants to gish gallop and motte and bailey his way through his hatred of the west. Hence he's just vomited out a bunch of links that only answer his thought process on the west, and do nothing to explain why "the global majority" are so hellbent on killing each other.
No one's denied the west having some undue interests in foreign conflicts. The point he is failing to understand, or accept, and really it's the first step in a much larger conversation is that, outside of the west, people of different cultures can be and are violent and barbaric. He shifts all of that onto the west and "white" people, pretending that "other cultures" are peaceful and holier than thou which is just pure shite. There's no room for nuance, and his accusations of racism are projection.
Again, he doesn't have any interest in understanding any wider contexts or narratives, he's just looking to justify his hatred.
It's very weird that he's chosen a red pill forum to do so, rather than say, reddit, where he'll get much less push back because they're willing to accept his white guilt nonsense.
Read More6h ago 5th Generation War
That's a bit of a big reading list. It too much for people following a thread on a forum to take and digest. I am willing to engage with you on this but could we break it into digestible chunks for anyone else watching please?
I feel that the debate deserves to be understood and that if you and I are to put our energies to it, we also deserve to be understood both by each other and by anyone following this.
Would you like to just debate the first link you sent and then we can move to others in due course if you are still interested?
Would you like to set out your stall on this link? I can say what I think about it first if you prefer? If so, it would help me to understand what your issue with the link is and how you feel the west acted in an uncivilised manner in this matter? To me it looks like a summary of an intelligence report, stating what has since become widely known and which came as a surprise to few -that Russia did not care for Ukraine to move closer to the west.
Read More6h ago 5th Generation War
I guess both you and @Stigma are a little (lot) uneducated.
At this point, you are all talking out of your arses and regurgitate white washing propaganda (the kind that got the US and the West initiating so many illegitimate conflicts).
In your cases, your minds need a reeducation. So instead of "arguing" with you. I will school you. I will provide you with information and you form your own opinions (that is if you are honest people).
So do your research boys, then come back and talk me.
- Russia/Ukraine conflict
NYET MEANS NYET: RUSSIA'S NATO ENLARGEMENT REDLINES - 2008 wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/08MOSCOW265_a.html
MINSK II Agreement horlogedelinconscient.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Minsk-2-Full-text-UNIAN.pdf
The West and its proxy Ukraine, rescinded on the Minsk II agreement and furthermore ignored Russia's repeated warning to respect its Redlines relevant to the Eastward NATO's expansion.
- China/Taiwan
Joint Communique of the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China (Normalization Communique) - 1979 www.ait.org.tw/u-s-prc-joint-communique-1979/
I think the world is sick of Western duplicity.
- Middle Eastern Conflicts - and all other proxy conflicts perpetrated by the USA and the West
Oh boy
I can make many lengthy exposés on that. But no, your racism prevents you from listening to me. So I will give you resources by white guys, even some jews, so that you do some honest research yourselves and learn a bit.
Brian Berletic: www.thenewatlas.org/ www.youtube.com/c/thenewatlas
Greg Stoker www.youtube.com/@ColonialOutcasts
Scott Ritter: scottritter.com/
Max Blumenthal thegrayzone.com/
Dan Cohen www.uncaptured.media/
Chris Hedges chrishedges.substack.com/
- Myanmar
Aung San Suu Kyi has been flushed with US state money (namely through the NED, National Endowment for Democracy, what a disgustingly duplicitous name for a corrupt NGO aimed at creating political tensions)
Full Disclosure: Myanmar is the topic I know the least about. As such, do not take what I say for gospel, do your own research.
So corrupt, so duplicitous, so evil, so Western.
Read More10h ago 5th Generation War
Sorry there are rather a lot of typos there. Won't let me edit. Typos are a bit of a weakness of mine.
10h ago 5th Generation War
@Lionsmane8 You will find that a top dog has his nose in most conflicts -because why would he not want them to end to his advantage? But to think that the west created these conflicts is a little blinkered. These conflicts begin with tensions in non western peoples.
China and Taiwan, Russia and Ukraine are about whether or not a region that has been historically in an empire should stay against their will or not.
The middle east largely is from the break up of the Ottoman empire -which was sickly long before we defeated them and would have broken up internally from the fact that it included many peoples very hostile to one another. The west created Israel that was a mistake in my opinion -the west is too sentimental sometimes. That is a western conflict but if you take Israel away you do not get a peaceful middle east, you just get the removal of an enemy to join in hatred of.
Myanmar is fighting because it is no longer ruled by an external power -the British. In this it is no different to the middle east which was ruled by the ottomans. Take away the rulers and the ruled settle old scores.
I am not going to say "you would all be better off if we still ruled you and made you at peace". Partly I restrain myself because that is practically illegal to say these days but also because in the end you need to evolve and we need to evolve. You need to find your own solutions to your own problems. As the strong victors arise blood covered from among you, we must be afraid again. Then we will evolve again. When the wolves are in the woods, the deer grow strong and healthy.
If you do not rise again strong in your own rival civilisations, the west will never be spurred to drop its "progressive" lies and get back to being virile again. You may kill us or you may be the cure of us. Either is preferable to our own women folk and soy boys killing our society.
Read More11h ago 5th Generation War
@Lionsmane8 I fear you have lost yourself in hatred of the west. Part of me thinks I should leave you to it because this clearly troubles you but then one of the things about the red pill is that we all got here because we wanted to know the truth about the world. I feel I should make the effort to be one more drop of water landing on the stone of your misconception. Enough drops over enough time may wear through it.
I do not know where you got this idea from "The whole world, the global majority can work with each other, just fine! Only the parasitical West is desperate to drag us back to barbarity." Did you borrow it from a white middle class academic like the one you quoted? Did you borrow the definition of civilisation from a "progressive western academic in the 1960's?
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ongoing_armed_conflicts This should help you to see where the conflicts are and that most of them are not even started by the west. The western media just like to report on their pet conflicts, where they have a dog in the fight like say Israel or Ukraine. If the west left (evil or not), I can't see China treating you any better. Look how they treat their own citizens. They are not known for thinking that other races are equal to them are they?
Now when it comes to civilisation, here it gets a little interesting. In looking for a definition to direct you to, I found that the concept has suffered some drift lately -thanks again to western academics wanting to make it more inclusive and so making it less clear and meaningful. The best place to direct you to is I think Wikipedia, where there is a thorough discussion of the concept. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilization
"Historically, a civilization has often been understood as a larger and "more advanced" culture, in implied contrast to smaller, supposedly less advanced cultures.[8][9][10][11] In this broad sense, a civilization contrasts with non-centralized tribal societies, including the cultures of nomadic pastoralists, Neolithic societies, or hunter-gatherers; however, sometimes it also contrasts with the cultures found within civilizations themselves. Civilizations are organized densely-populated settlements divided into hierarchical social classes with a ruling elite and subordinate urban and rural populations, which engage in intensive agriculture, mining, small-scale manufacture and trade. Civilization concentrates power, extending human control over the rest of nature, including over other human beings."
This is the definition I understand of civilisation. It is to do with the organisation of society. It has nothing to do with holding left wing progressive views of morality. The Aztecs were a civilisation, not barbarians. They liked sacrificing people (as did the Carthaginian Civilisation in North Africa), however they were a very civilised people. The Sami and Innuit people (to pick two western peoples, so as not to insult non westerns) do not practise human sacrifice and have not fought large scale organised wars but they are not civilised peoples because they do not organise themselves in a complex society.
Culture should not be confused with civilisation. Western progressives want to do this -to say that they are the pinnacle of progress -that the highest evolution of civilisation will be the destruction of the patriarchy, the removal of the armed forces and the organisation of the world into a peaceful centrally controlled gynocentric happiness.
There is a culture in the west that is held by the elite where civilisation and western liberal "progressiveness" are conflated. This is just an attempt to indoctrinate. Civilisation does what its rulers say but ultimately but they themselves do well to look at the Latin root of the word. Ignore the civites -the citizens- and rulers are in for a hard ride.
You say "we need to evolve" I say we are all evolving. The game is running. In evolution the strong survive and multiply more than the weak. There is all to play for. You get your idea of civilisation and see if you can make it the fittest model, see how it fares when the Chinese, the Russians or indeed the west reborn come to your gates. If your model is the fittest, you will conquer. My gripe with the west is not its triumphs of the past but its self destruction of the present. Your gripe seems to be that it has not yet destroyed itself enough.
I have no issue with your wanting to be my enemy. Enemies can be civil and chivalrous and you have seen that I see that I have a spot spot of unfairly downtrodden peoples (like the Palestinians). Its a bit of a western weakness that. I do however feel that I should try to help you see the reality of the world. Those liberal academics thought they had evolved when all that had actually happened is that they had so much progress and prosperity and we so far ahead in the great game that they could leave the table and say it was all backward and barbaric. Meanwhile, as they destroyed the family, disrespected the armies that gave them peace and argued whether rainbow coloured people should be allowed in the girls toilets, men who knew the game still ran began to grow strong.
Read More20h ago 5th Generation War
@Lionsmane8 I’ve long been finished arguing with you. My responses are solely to set the record straight each time you post blatant lies. There’s two ways to make it stop. Maybe you can figure it out for yourself.
21h ago 5th Generation War
No point arguing with you.
You brought up 4 instances of US/Western meddling and exposed your ignorance on all subjects.
Russia/Ukraine China/Taiwan Middle East Myanmar
You don't have the bagage to argue with me. What was I thinking...