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@Redpillray she's going to have to want it for herself
how fat is she?
She's so fat, that when she wears a Malcolm X jacket, helicopters try to land on her.
She's so fat, her mom will have to use a FUPA-stick to assist any man who gets with her. [CC: @lurkerhasarisen]
She's so fat, the bitch spits butter and sweats gravy.
She's so fat, her middle name is probably Fat.
Male version of "would you still love me if I were a worm?"
Not even comparable.
His question makes sense. It can and has happened. I'd bet there are still states with anti-sodomy blue laws on the books, just not enforced.
(And before anyone replies with "akchually, 'sodomy' means anal sex", yes, I know, but for some reason governments called any sexual act other than PIV-coitus "sodomy" in these laws. )
His question can be very easily satisfied with a straight yes or no.
That "would you still love me if I was a worm" question is designed to be fight-starting, nonsensical display of retardation, and if a woman asked me that, my response would be akin to "what makes you think I love you now? Especially when you ask retarded shit like that?"
Anyway, have some vcards to clean up your act.
Read More@goodmansaysfuckyou it's a requirement at the memes tribe to say whether it's OC or stolen
A lot of us do it in other tribes out of habit now
Read any of the early stuff from roissy or roosh
I'd been unplugged for years before I even knew what reddit was, let alone a sidebar.
Roosh was my gateway. I looked him back up when my marriage was rocky. His PUA work had helped young-AFC-me back around 1999-2002. From there I found Roissy/Heartiste, Dalrock, Rollo, Athol Kay, Bonekrckr, Pook, and others I'm forgetting.
Reading some of their stuff was like seeing someone finally put words to certain things I knew but couldn't explain. Especially Roissy/Heartiste and Dalrock.
I still read all the sidebars at TRP, MRP, MGTOW, and WAATGM once I got on reddit.
I think a lot of askTRPers would do better to read more, try shit, and get into an OODA loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act). Accept that not everything will be perfect, that some mistakes are inevitable, and that you can't possibly account for all variables for all decisions at all times. RL isn't a math problem or a laboratory.
Read MoreMost men struggling here that claim to have read the sidebar clearly don't espouse the
philosophy*praxeology stated in the sidebar.
I think a lot of men treat TheRedPill like a dating advice sub rather than a place to unplug.
That's why it's incumbent on us to say "have you read the sidebar?" or "read the sidebar" or some other variant when we see basic-ass questions with basic-ass answers.
Also, on a different note:
You fuckheads have been busy on here while I was busy IRL. lots of reading to catch up on...
is there any PERMA guide on the website
For what, the search feature?
Just put a + in front of any word you want included in your results
Put a - in front of any word you want eliminated from your results
This fucked me up at first, because when I'd search +Typo-MAGAshiv, my results all had the word "typo" but the "MAGAshiv" was eliminated.
I get around that by just searching +magashiv when looking for one of mine.
For example, all my Shrekposts: +magashiv +Shrek
4h ago The Hub
@Redpillray Dude either accept how she is, or dont. I dont think that "getting ur girl in shape" willl ever workout well.