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48m ago The Hub
I don't want to be a nice guy anymore, or to have any type of feelings.
Good, now get back to the trenches, get hurt some more until you can brush it off with a smile.
True. It seems like most bloops don't digest the sidebar though. They look at the text and it never registers.
Usually the only thing bloops register is "alpha, beta, plate, Chad, and 'game/frame'"
I've noticed they circle the drain on those words and never really understand what they mean and don't understand much else of the red pill praxeology at all
@redhawkes Thanks, but I don't want to look like a MONKEYdonian gypsy such as you hahahahaha
Bloops don't have any base to begin with, it's just a pile of bricks, and putting even more bricks to the pile won't help them. They need a blueprint aka the fucking sidebar.
Once you thet some basics and can recognize the patterns irl, the process begins. At this point, everything you read will be placed in the right place, like a missing piece in a puzzle.
Agreed, this issue is more complex.
Yes, but there is a difference between overthinking and effortful thinking. There is benefit in integrating and arranging information already learned in a way that allows for improved informational processing later
Overthinkers on the other hand do not integrate existing information. They masturbate new information into existence even when the old information should be sufficient. They aren't making any new or meaningful associations. They are thought-jizzing all over basic information and then thinking they are some frustrated Socrates.
Secondly yes, trying to use red pill tools to achieve blue pill goals is another newbie mistake.
Overthinking is part of the process when the paradigm shifts, but it's just a phase. Many get stuck in analysis-paralysis and that's the problem.
Another problem is the cognitive dissonance, like in this case. He still believes in bluepill fairy tales even tho he knows whats up on the logical level. I've seen many of these fence sitters in the old asktrp, chasing their own tail. In this case, you need to autistaically apply the tenets until you get success, then repeat the process.
The worse thing is to consume even more RP material. You and me telling him to just talk to hoes is the same as asking a whale how to get fish, just open your mouth bro.
If you fence sit, the only thing you'll get is fence picket up in your ass.
"I don't want to be a nice guy anymore"
See, you keep putting a lot of emphasis on your own traits and identity instead of just doing what would get you laid.
Meet girl > make her feel some emotions > make plans /trade digits to fulfill said plans > meet up for plans escalate/pull > fuck
You guys who can't get laid on here completely defile that simple process with unwarranted mental masturbation. Nothing else matters. Not your philosophy, self evaluations etc. only the above sequence will get you laid. She'll skip some steps if she wants to fuck badly enough
Thanks man. I'll make it more of a post later
It doesn't help you get laid as I mentioned. I was just saying the only relevance money has is providing you the freedom to do more tingles activities. Which i also pointed out she will probably like more than you
It's not reliable. It gives otherwise unfuckable men more access to pussy than if they were unfuckable and broke