Discussion about the 5th gen war
1h ago 5th Generation War
@Typo-MAGAshiv Right, I know that some folks think of the serpent as being lucifer, but I'm not sure where that originates from actually. I think it stems from the symbolism of the serpent later in Revelation and gets tied back to the serpent in the garden.
Well, at any rate, the original image is Saint Michael slaying the fuck out of some demons anyway so anything about Lucifer (and Hitler and Trump for that matter) is tangential.
2h ago 5th Generation War
@Stigma I'll care if something bad actually happens, and probably only if it's at least as bad as things that have already been happening over several decades.
I'm all for shutting down this waste.
2h ago 5th Generation War
the Bible didn't say "The End" at the end of Genesis
And from @deeplydisturbed:
He tried to red pill Adam and Eve - why did God even let the most evil being in all history to be roaming around with the two most innocent beings in all of history?
Genesis also didn't say that Lucifer was in the Garden of Eden, but rather that the serpent tempted Eve. God even sentences the serpent to crawl on its belly, eat dust, and have enmity with Adam and Eve's descendents ("he will crush your head, and you will bite his foot" or something like that).
If you go by what Genesis says, it's the serpent/snake, and not Lucifer.
2h ago 5th Generation War
Read again what I have written all the way back to the start of this particular thread.
I spent the last few minutes doing just that, and I realize I've been remiss.
I'm now going through and 713ing every flouncy-ass, pearl-clutching, worrywart post of yours.
have some vcards, flouncer!
2h ago 5th Generation War
Let's get this straight
And you didn't.
What I'm saying is just give these guys a chance. For the supposedly "open-minded" side, you leftists just aren't willing to give them a chance.
They can't be any worse than what's already been there for decades, and I'm glad some of this absolute garbage is finally being cleaned up.
10h ago 5th Generation War
@Stigma Ignoring what I've detailed in the thread already with a 100 word "No, U."
15h ago 5th Generation War
several specific bad things
That's just, like, your opinion, man.
The only one with emotive and hyperbolic language is you, my man. I very much care about government overreach and their tracking, since before Snowden blew the whistle and normies got a peak at just how bad it all is. Just because you've decided that it's suddenly got 1000x worse, doesn't mean me or anyone else here has to join you in the sudden panic just because the teams swapped sides (again).
As I pointed out to you in another post you conveniently decided to ignore, there is legitimately more transparency in the current operation taking place than there was 2 months ago.
You are quite blatantly failing the very same test you appear to be putting us all under. You are not bipartisan on this topic...
17h ago 5th Generation War
Well until you present something other than "something bad MIGHT happen"
Read again what I have written all the way back to the start of this particular thread. You'll find I HAVE in fact addressed several specific bad things that ARE CURRENTLY happening, initiated by Trump and his unvetted and unsupervised team under Elon.
you're just appearing to shout that the sky is falling
More emotive hyperbolic language leading to ignoring the specific points I raised because apparently the pro-Trump side here and everywhere else I raise them CAN NOT address them directly.
Unconditional positive regard for Trump, and hand-waving or sudden onset DGAF attitude toward questions about specific things he is doing (which themselves blatantly do NOT pass the "What would I think about this if it was other side doing it?" test).
I swear, Trump fans would gladly eat a shit sandwich if they thought "The Left" would have to smell their breath afterward!
Read More17h ago 5th Generation War
@MentORPHEUS Well until you present something other than "something bad MIGHT happen" you're just appearing to shout that the sky is falling because "other side" is now running the shitshow. How can he be giving "EVERYTHING" a pass when you've presented nothing?
Your comments on this are naught but the other side of the coin, but you appear to be posturing as if you're disconnected and not driven by partisan goals of your own.