How do I cheat
To quote/paraphrase some of @theultmatecad's writings at MRP:
if you need a how-to guide to cheat, you aren't ready.
@OPStolen back when I was single, usually we'd exchange numbers.
I feel like asking gives her an option while just giving your number doesn’t.
Sure it does: the option never to bother contacting you.
There is no one-size-fits-all way to do most of this stuff. The important things are to be attractive (be in shape and behave in a masculine manner), and don't be unattractive (don't be clingy, over-eager, etc).
If she offers her number, by all means, take it. If she asks for yours, go ahead and give it.
But giving and receiving phone numbers isn't the W it was 20+ years ago. Try to isolate and escalate then and there was much as possible.
Do you give a girl your number or ask for hers?
This is just a random question. I’ve never known if I should just hand a woman my number or ask for hers. I feel like asking gives her an option while just giving your number doesn’t. Can I get any advice? This is for a different girl.
How do I cheat when my girl has my location?
A girl at work gave me her number. She’s fine as fuck. I want to hookup with her, not take her on a date or anything. But I’d have to setup a time to hang out with her first. How do I do this without my live-in fiancé finding out. I’m suffering from huge FOMO about only having one coochie for the rest of my life. Should I just bring it up to her and see if she’ll let me cheat once, or do I tell her that I plan on going on a date with another woman? How do I handle this?
@Typo-MAGAshiv yes, i thought my initial post asking about trolling was too harsh after i realized there was a non English factor etx
In 18 years he will thank you.
My b i forgot the best kind of advice is the kind that takes 18+ years to marinate the hard way