Discussion about the 5th gen war
4h ago 5th Generation War
I asked partially to draw attention to your hypocrisy - for all you seem to love throwing around accusations of racism you're the only one here identifying others as evil on the basis of their skin color, ethnicity and nation of origin.
I know you know this, but his adopted world view finds racism permissible against white people.
He’ll fall back on:
Being white adjacent
White people don’t exist (my favourite)
- White people deserve it
He’s used all three in the past, and each come from left wing dogma, which, as we all know, is racist!
Ergo, the ‘racist’ label is yet more projection, embedded in him by his colonisers (islam) to distract him from his own heritage (Amazigh).
The more you know!
5h ago 5th Generation War
Or is the white man evil?
Last I checked I qualify as white. Never mind the fact I've never owned anyone, never discriminated against another on the basis of immutable characteristics, never knowingly exploited the labor of another for my own benefit and can't reasonably be held accountable for the actions of those in power in my nation's government (particularly for decisions made and events occurring before my birth) anymore than you can.
Ain't my fault I was born in America to American parents. It's something for which I'm grateful, to be sure, but I expect you feel the same about the consequences of your birth.
I asked partially to draw attention to your hypocrisy - for all you seem to love throwing around accusations of racism you're the only one here identifying others as evil on the basis of their skin color, ethnicity and nation of origin. Mostly, though, I did it to amuse myself and everyone else cognizant enough to pick up on the joke. You calling others racist is so utterly absurd the only appropriate response is ridicule.
So come on, don't leave me hanging. Call us racists again. You have a reputation to uphold, after all.
Read More5h ago 5th Generation War
Were any of your teachers even remotely tradcon?
Many all the way through High School had been teaching through the idealized "good old days" of the '50s. Most of these weren't worth much of a damn at teaching, even though they may have carried some of the trappings of "Tradcon" as shown in the meme above.''
I DID have a young 2nd grade teacher who was psychologically unfit to teach; in adulthood I realized she was probably a "party THOT" by night. Def not tradcon. I got to experience a variety of teachers, and the Tradcon-mold ones weren't magically free of human faults and foibles.
In contrast to the more laissez-faire "modern" teachers, the 50s-mold tradcon ones most all taught me a strong and bitter distrust for capricious authority figures.
Read More7h ago 5th Generation War
Well, to be fair, you went to school in Commiefornia.
Were any of your teachers even remotely tradcon?
I went to school in the Southeastern US, and mine really weren't.
10h ago 5th Generation War
I've interacted with you more than once. Why are you stooping at @Stigma's level?
Why do you indentify as "us"?
12h ago 5th Generation War
@MentORPHEUS Half a century? My ‘90s teachers are perfectly encapsulated in the top.
12h ago 5th Generation War
Will an aknowledgement
You deliver the irony to me on a silver platter, every single time.
Or is the white man evil?
You tell me :)
13h ago 5th Generation War
@Stigma I went to public school starting in the early '70s. While I can't speak for the teachers working today, I'm here to tell you that the idealized Tradcon teachers of half a century ago really were not all that.
13h ago 5th Generation War
You're being stripped away of your ill begotten wealth and you hate it.
Will an aknowledgement of the fact of your criminality illicit a crisis of conscience within you?
Or is the white man evil?