Discussion about the 5th gen war
26m ago 5th Generation War
43m ago 5th Generation War
I dunno if you guys remember Newgrounds at all, but my generation wasn't free of the nonsense and drivel. Flash animations such as Salad Fingers, Burnt Face Man and Gonads and Strife in the lightning, in the lightning... in the raiiiin.
So I'll give 'um a bit of a pass for fucking around with animations and nonsense talk.
46m ago 5th Generation War
When one's home has been invaded by a pack of rabid dogs intent on raping and murdering one's children, one must necessarily deal with the immediate threat before one can worry about tracking down the malicious bastard who set them loose in the first place.
Where have I heard that before?!
I was rather pleased with this one.
Typoshit and the others that openly champion racist, Islamophobic narratives (i.e. "immigrants are the reason our lives suck...
I love how that retard deliberately misrepresents me. When have I ever said that my life sucks, or tried to pin the blame for anything about my life in particular on total strangers?
I just don't want illegal aliens in my country. Big difference.
51m ago 5th Generation War
or what they say at all beyond "skibidi toilet," whatever the fuck that is.
I actually heard that before, but thought it was just some nonsense phrase or that I just wasn't hearing it right.
Seeing you put it to print got me to web search it.
4h ago 5th Generation War
@Stigma, Typoshit and the others that openly champion racist, Islamophobic narratives (i.e. "immigrants are the reason our lives suck, definitely not the fact that our elites have sold us off")... yeah, those are template racists trying to ignite racial and sectarian tensions. They are creating imaginary lines and "othering" those that don't fit within the parameters of their narrow identity.
First of all, a phobia is clearly defined as an irrational fear of something. Between Islamic migrants periodically going on violent knife-wielding rampages in European cities, driving vehicles into large crowds of people during festivals and holiday gatherings and grooming gangs targeting adolescent and prepubescent European girls for literally decades while their elected officials do precisely fuck all about it for fear of being called racist, I daresay any fears they have concerning mass migration from Islamic nations is anything but unreasonable.
Second, and more importantly, you're presenting a false dichotomy. Generally speaking, anyone who's opposed to mass immigration from undeveloped nations will readily agree with you about their own elites being the root of the problem. That doesn't mean the violent behavior regularly engaged in by Islamic "refugees" who refuse to integrate into their host nations isn't also a problem. When one's home has been invaded by a pack of rabid dogs intent on raping and murdering one's children, one must necessarily deal with the immediate threat before one can worry about tracking down the malicious bastard who set them loose in the first place.
Read More5h ago 5th Generation War
Aye, I'm aware, which is why my primary motivation in responding was, as noted, "for the lulz," as the kids say.
...I honestly have no idea whether The Kids™ say that anymore, or what they say at all beyond "skibidi toilet," whatever the fuck that is. I started a new tabletop group with some friends from a community theatre outfit I like to work with a while back and, after hearing the 20 year olds talk for the first few weeks, I realized, while I can't yet claim to be properly old, I have officially lost touch with whatever passes for youth culture.
Thank God.
12h ago 5th Generation War
@MentORPHEUS odd.
Again, I grew up in the Deep South, and most of my teachers were apolitical (at least in the classroom).