Uncensored discussion of the four-year dark winter predicted by and carried out by Biden
4h ago The Dark Winter
@deeplydisturbed @Typo-MAGAshiv I didn't get fully RP'd until about 20 years ago when I busted my arse in Corporate America and got laid off anyways in favor of the soy boys, foreigner mafias that bribed their way in, and feminists. Here's the thing: Why should management of a big corporation care about profits or even customer satisfaction IF they don't suffer personally for it?
Yeah yeah yeah, Reagan economics right? Hear me out please: One of them tried to say that they wanted to run the company like "baseball" and fire off the "low performers" regardless of how well the company was doing. The dork apparently never heard of "beating the spread". If a baseball team is going to win anyway, why not ruin the point spread and take a bribe from a bookie? Win-win, yes? Or heck, even if the team loses but you're still the best player, you keep your job and the team loses but you still come out ahead. Watch what Hyman Roth said in Godfather II.
As long as the manager is liked by his upper management, he can always blame someone else if there are problems from firing a top performer who told him off. I've seen management circle the wagons on it. They'll even risk losing profits compared to losing face.
Reaganomics? More money for Musk so he can hire Americans, right? Nope: Look up H-1bs. Few of those jobs are for us. 737 Max, Crowdstrike, NCTracks? All boondoggles but who cares? They still make money. Dennis Muilenburg's cost cutting measures laying off Americans got 360 people killed. He got a $62 million exit package. I calculated he could fill 360 body bags with $50 bills.
He never served a day in prison for killing 360 people.
When feminists blabber on about The Patriarchy, what they refer to actually is a society of responsible men who band together and have a strong, high trust society to hold their leaders accountable. The Individualist/Libertarian era of white guys on their own in log cabins doing our own thing means we hunted by the hyenas in the identity groups and corporate PACs. The Patriarchy was basically the responsible men disarming the Feudalist system and establishing worker's rights in the latter 19th and early 20th centuries.
Then the women who viewed themselves as "ladies" (namely, noblewomen) both made the serfs (men) as oppressors while claiming to be equal via entitlements.
One of my favorite movies: North Dallas Forty. Here's it's explained what is really meant in corporations by "teamwork".
Read More12h ago The Dark Winter
I have a theory. It's weak, I'll admit, but here it is.
It's time to kill the soy boys. Upper Management has realized that there is a growing bubble of losers populating the planet. Trump has disrupted things to such an extent that they have to pivot fast.
Europe has to now face the very real possibility of a China/Russia/US (and others) alliance that will stand against them. They know this. It is at least one of several credible scenarios. (look into credible threat theory).
So what to do with all the wokies? They are not getting married, population is collapsing, they are checking out of society (as they are in Japan, Korea, China, and the US), and they are just lazy lumps. You don't need ALL men to be this way, just a critical mass. This is VERY tenuous.
The US military is now full of woke soy sipping empath types.
A good short term war would fix several pretty major problems.
European Oligarch's would win no matter what. They now have crypto and countless other ways to hide/move money.
The bureaucrats would win - they would give each other awards after the war, while the peasants die. Military industrial complex gets rich - again. Per usual.
The sex/gender balance would skew in favor of the remaining men. An over supply of women would lower their relative value. Basic supply /demand.
Both sides would save face with their base. They "fought the bad guy" and persevered. Just like WWII And every other war ever.
- Trump has already spoken with most of the world's power brokers. And many of them are sick of the West's bullshit. Too much of it has been driven by the group about whom we dare not speak. And everyone knows it. Especially now - the messages are getting LOUD over on x.com. The world is waking up to a century plus of propaganda. A European war would potentially reset some of this.
BOTTOM LINE: We are in the midst of the next great oligarchy war - as I have said for years now. And never forget that wartime propaganda is about the most potent type there is.
In the meantime, my recommendation to anyone who will listen is to live by my mantra.
Have a day boys.
(Yes, I meant "have a day")
Read More2d ago The Dark Winter
Selling gold tickets into America is so on-brand for Trump I'm actually embarrassed I didn't predict this myself.
3d ago The Dark Winter
Selling gold tickets into America is so on-brand for Trump I'm actually embarrassed I didn't predict this myself.
[Let's try this again in the right tribe...]
UK can't/won't even defend its own borders, but might be committing troops to defending Ukraine's border.
...if they can actually get any young men to join up.
2w ago The Dark Winter
See Carnold.
That's why I like you bro!
So, don't waste your energy getting drawn into distractions, use that anger to renew, drive, and maintain your focus. You've got more important concerns, among which being the building of your library.
Yes sir!
2w ago The Dark Winter
You and 2-3 others on this platform I consider to be high level worthwhile people.
You're not a target of my rants.
Why would I be? I shared with you an awesome idea well within our civilizations technological means to make a reality, assuming what we've been told regarding the technology is true. So, don't waste your energy getting drawn into distractions, use that anger to renew, drive, and maintain your focus. You've got more important concerns, among which being the building of your library.
2w ago The Dark Winter
You and 2-3 others on this platform I consider to be high level worthwhile people.
You're not a target of my rants.
2w ago The Dark Winter
Do I look like I care what sour racists think of me?
Since when have we been able to see each other here?
2w ago The Dark Winter
@Lionsmane8 being a real man takes that level of narcisism I guess, so yeah it is