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11h ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv We both know what I am talking about - it's the fact that you and donkey have this forbidden love.
@deeplydisturbed the issue really isn't active users so much as traffic itself. Forums.red gets a huge amount of organic search traffic given the volume of info we have there. We're measuring monthly traffic in the millions but I don't have the numbers in front of me right now.
18h ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv I don't have a list and I forgot bout this
- can cum inside without condom≗
18h ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv imagine that the little spots u see when you pull are freckles. Freckles are really sweet.
20h ago The Hub
I think you are referring to the fact that sometimes the police will arrest people, and demand the password to their devices.
I feel that you are grossly misunderstanding 'the law'. The police do not decide 'the law'. They have the powers to arrest, nothing more. They can arrest you, bring you before a court, and it is the court that decides whether you have broken a law.
It is practically impossible to imagine that any court would determine that you have broken a law simply by failing to provide a password to a police officer - remember that you have the right to silence, and that right includes the right to ABSOLUTE SILENCE. you can refuse to say anything.
if you exercise that right (or any other legal right) it is not going to carry any weight if the police bring you to a court and try to prosecute you for exercising the right the silence. Any honest judge will apply the law in this situation - they will ask what offence he has committed - and if the police say 'he didn't provide a password' then the judge will throw out the case, based on the fact that your right to remain silent is protected by statue.
It is true, however, that many police officers are retarded and have zero understanding of the law. The most common mistake that police officers make is that they think that the police make the law - they don't. Parliment makes the laws, and the courts decide whether you have broken the law.
Read More21h ago The Hub
@SwarmShawarma I'm afraid this really does not clarify your question much. I'm still at a loss to see what you are talking about.