Discussion about the 5th gen war
3h ago 5th Generation War
Its interesting that the nonvetted civilian's murderers are living amongst Europeans right now and the politicians in their Babbel towers don't give a shit.
In my own country there is a support for the politicians damaging the country's self-interest.
Its all going down with lack of the basic education and an acumen.
3h ago 5th Generation War
Hey, you'll never guess what the new regime of islamists are doing in Syria!
21h ago 5th Generation War
it’s just about that and the whole initial idea is lost
At this point there are maybe 3 options. Its one of them.
23h ago 5th Generation War
@Typo-MAGAshiv Hoe cries "hoe"! Don’t get you panties up in a twist now. I am feeling magnanimous today so I’m going to break it down for you.
HERE IS THE IRONY: Calling women “cel” doesn’t land TO YOU, because YOU might use logic. she doesn’t give a flying fuck about suffixes and prefixes, or about the individual meaning of “cel” or “in” when the word drops. But she surely cares about being labeled anything similar to “incel” and by calling bitches femcels or any derivative it does exactly that. It does way more damage to her psyche because you speak IN HER LANGUAGE, using emotionally charged words. Where the fuck is the caving part? Insulting is more of a masculine pastime anyway, nobody said anything about making the conversation new age-y or whatever hippy bullshit terms are trending. You draw a hald assed conclusion about an idea you don't seem to understand. So tell me more about feminine penchants please? Back to femcel, she will end up saying to herself “why is he saying this to me? I’m supposed to call him an incel. I can not be a femcel because I am no mysoginist grlll power I don’t hate anybody” and so on, cue hamster spinning. I already laid this out for you but if it’s too difficult for you to understand just deal with it. Speaking in the prey's language is a tool from the RP toolbox, and people who have set the building blocks to the Red Pill laid this out a long time ago. Roissy even said this – “the best seducers must know their prey inside and out, and to do that one must adopt the psychology of his exquisite foe”
The only feminine penchant is from your side, my friend. I used the term as a neutral insult here on the thread and you end up nitpicking suffixes and prefixes. It’s just like in the Bill Burr routine where a couple has a fight and at some point, the dude calls her a cunt and from then on, it’s just about that and the whole initial idea is lost.
It’s a staple of effective communication to use the interlocutor’s own language habits. Inspin or insol (Roissy’s term) might work as effective, I don’t give a fuck, but you’re so pent up on geeking out over such terms like the world is going to change for the better if one uses femcel or not. (hint: it makes no difference)
The gold you “tried” to give me in this thread is worthless. To be able to educate someone requires first having some knowledge and then the ability to bend that knowledge in order to go forward with it. I cannot say for the former, but you seem to be lacking the latter. What, explaining some terminology that I am well aware of? wow much education! words have a neutral meaning (usually the dictionary term) and they have an effect which can vary – call a short woman short and she won’t bat an eye. call a short man short and you lost rapport on the spot (viceversa with ugly). he might be objectively short as well as some women might objectively not be celibates for too long.
So now I’m seriously questioning YOUR ability to comprehend words. Maybe you do understand them from a dictionary point of view, but maybe you are too much of a dork to also be able read the room and be fluid with terminology.
Read More1d ago 5th Generation War
Dont know. If it was in his rational male books, then maybe I have seen it, if comes to the podcats I don't watch. I only ever read his first book, so if he discusses the topic in any of the others then I don't know.
I got it from his podcasts and shorts.
Too much tallking.
I agree. I like his shorts/clips better because they're on-topic with very little of his usual rambling.
Besides that, you're trying to move the window. We were talking about word meaning and thats what involuntary means. Unless youbwant to tell me why it means something else.
I haven't changed shit. Incels are involuntarily celibate in that they seek validational sex, rather than just the physical act of obligated coitus you'd get with a hooker.
I've told incels on this very site that hookers do not count as "getting laid".
Flight cost less than a prostitute
With all the DEI hires and girl power bullshit in the airline industry, I'm staying on the ground until things straighten up.
I tried to find a link to this hilarious video I saw recently of all these girl power feminists working for airlines in various capacities, girl-bossing for the camera, with the video ending with that Delta crash with the upside-down plane. No luck finding it at the moment.
Read More1d ago 5th Generation War
LMAO! OK. You originally demonstrated that you didn't grasp the meaning of the "cel" suffix. Now I'm convinced that you don't know the meaning of "context" or "irony" either.
Throughout this thread, you've shown a feminine penchant for using words for the emotions they evoke rather than their actual meaning.
I attempted to give you some gold that would assist you in your endeavors, and educate you in the process. Because like I told that other Euroweenie (the one with a thousand usernames), women have so much abundance that calling them anything that ends with "cel" is like calling a millionaire "broke"; it just doesn't land.
But in the interest of having an open mind: do tell, oh great one, what context have I missed?
Clean up your act, hoe.
Read More1d ago 5th Generation War
@Typo-MAGAshiv says the person who misses the context and clings on a single word and drivels on about terminology. Yeah, no irony at all.
1d ago 5th Generation War
Channeling Rollo on incels, huh?
That's one of the rare occasions where he
Dont know. If it was in his rational male books, then maybe I have seen it, if comes to the podcats I don't watch. Too much tallking.
Besides that, you're trying to move the window. We were talking about word meaning and thats what involuntary means. Unless youbwant to tell me why it means something else.
Altho, I can accept your new definition if you pay me 10 chads. For 20 I will give you 5 back under your post with a new definition.
Besides, prostitution is illegal in most areas.
Flight cost less than a prostitute, unless were talking a meth junkie blowjob.
2d ago 5th Generation War
Sex is available to almost any man on earth planet. Sure one might have to pay. But there is nothing in-voluntary about it. Thats a choice if it comes down purely to sex.
Channeling Rollo on incels, huh?
That's one of the rare occasions where he misses the mark: they don't just want coitus, but rather they want to be desired. They want companionship (companionship which most Red Pilled men know is overrated).
Besides, prostitution is illegal in most areas.