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2h ago The Hub
I've learned to be a lot less judgmental of people mispronouncing shit over the years.
Trump did it AGAIN, and by "it" I mean not mispronouncing, but misCOMPREHENDING something, with serious results.
In his SOTU he called out Democrats for spending $8 million making transgender mice. In later remarks he doubled down on this claim.
However, the $8 million wasn't spent on transgender mice. It was spent on transGENIC mice, meaning inserting human genes into mouse lines so that human disease research could get enhanced and accelerated without the need for human test subjects.
Literally millions of MAGA supporters now actually believe "Dems spent $8 million on transGENDER mice!!1!!" and are going to petulantly resist un-learning this and correcting their mental record.
So no, I am not acting petty, partisan, or pedantic by calling out "minor" errors in speaking such as this one.
Read MoreNew clip from the podcast I listen to;
Young liberal women have far out surpassed young liberal men for being the most unhappy. In fact young liberal women have a six in ten chance of having been diagnosed with a mental disorder.
The Socio-Sexual Hierarchy: ALPHA
Vox Day explains the nature and the behavioral patterns of the highest rank of the male socio-sexual hierarchy, the Alpha male. For more information on the subject of the socio-sexual hierarchy, check out his bestselling book SJWS ALWAYS DOUBLE DOWN: arkhavencomics.com/product/sjws-always-double-down-audiobook/
#2019 #Bitchute #Voxday #SocioSexualHierarchy #SSH #Alpha #Men #Males #Rank #Education #World #CultureWar #EconomicWar #PsychologicalWarfare #SpiritualWarfare #BiologicalWarfare #KineticWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare
@Typo-MAGAshiv and @Vermillion-rx
There's hope for the two of you!
9h ago The Hub
Once the patient monitor is connected to the internet, it begins gathering patient data, including personally identifiable information (PII) and protected health information (PHI), and exfiltrating (withdrawing) the data outside of the health care delivery environment,” an advisory from the Food and Drug Administration adds.
Contec Health is a Chinese healthcare technology company that provides patient monitoring systems, diagnostic equipment, and laboratory instruments. Its products are extensively used by healthcare organizations in the United States and Europe
10h ago The Hub
emotional overindulgence within a committed relationship
@woodsmoke it cleaver how the nature made us trough natural selection.
On average.
Men go around carelessly spreading the seed but once in a mere regular relationship, will bond arguably stronger than woman, leading to some shitty consequences on breakup.
Now we can know more, not getting ouerselves in a position to get zeroed out, oh boy, its so fucking valuable.
10h ago The Hub
Tarlogic Security has detected a backdoor in the ESP32, a microcontroller that enables WiFi and Bluetooth connection and is present in millions of mass-market IoT devices
In total, they found 29 undocumented commands, collectively characterized as a "backdoor," that could be used for memory manipulation (read/write RAM and Flash), MAC address spoofing (device impersonation), and LMP/LLCP packet injection.
Assuming its true then we simply have control over our own lives.
Functionally speaking, that's the only thing over which anyone has any real control, and even that's limited. I certainly wasn't in control of getting hit by a truck on my motorcycle a few months back despite doing nothing wrong when it happened.
We can control what we choose to do and, if we're sufficiently disciplined, how to react to the things that happen to us. Everything else is window dressing.
You're absolutely correct a lot of men fall prey to emotional overindulgence within a committed relationship. No matter how far gone they may be, however, as long as they were smart enough to avoid legally binding themselves to the woman via marriage, they still retain their ultimate power of simply walking away. Whether they choose to employ that options is a different matter, to be sure, but it remains a card in their hand regardless.
Read MoreFair point. Of course, that's why you don't get married. A man's ultimate power in a relationship, his nuclear option, is his ability to simply walk away. Signing a contract legally binding yourself to a woman takes that nuclear option off the table, leaving you at the mercies of one fundamentally driven by her emotions.
All of which you already know, of course, but you take my meaning.