The Red Pill: Discussion of sexual strategy in a culture increasingly lacking a positive identity for men.
3h ago TheRedPill
There's nothing wrong with growing a strong, emotionally fulfilling connection with another human being. You don't need anyone's permission to continue with your girlfriend, let alone to justify or validate the relationships you keep to anonymous nobodies like us
5h ago TheRedPill
How far is having feelings for your girlfriend considered normal / ok? Is this a complete black or white thing? Either you love woman or you understand them? Is the "butterfly feelings" emotional dependency?* How do I know wether I'm in a healthy mental condition in the relationship or tend to have onities? And how could I fix this?
In my case this feeling only comes after spending a weekend with here. I just Ignore it.
If you and your girlfriend treat each other in ways that you're both mutually comfortable with, then I can only pray you both work to build something strong and lasting. There's nothing wrong with growing a strong, emotionally fulfilling connection with another human being. You don't need anyone's permission to continue with your girlfriend, let alone to justify or validate the relationships you keep to anonymous nobodies like us.
To help you, consider investing into a reliable ready reference you can pick up and study to better prepare yourself for engaging the opposite sex. I'd suggest that you get yourself a copy of Doc Love's "The System: The Dating Dictionary". Doc Love, who until his passing was also known as Tom Hodges, wrote a weekly advice column that's archive is mirrored on several mens focused sites and a podcast. His media is a bit pricey, but it's a solid foundation a guy can branch out from in RP aware circles. I'd suggest you review his advice column to decide if his view on dating and relationships is aligned with what you aspire for yourself. To save yourself a search, give this scribed link a gander to find out if his book is something you'd like to add to your library. It should also be available on libgen.
Read More5h ago TheRedPill
@throwaway415 This is a very strange territory for me. But do you then offer the same? Is this because of religious reasons?
@throwaway415 some food for thought:
- a woman being a virgin isn't a magic bullet that guarantees anything at all
even the biggest sluts were virgins at some point
many virgins are just sluts who haven't started yet
Stephen Crowder married a virgin. She divorced him.
- MRP has had many men who married virgins but ended up cheated on
A woman's character and how she treats you are far more important than her past. I mean, I wouldn't try to turn some OnlyFans camwhore into a decent woman, but my wife was previously divorced and we'll be celebrating 20 years later this summer.
And for what it's worth, back when I was a virgin, I earnestly sought a fellow virgin for marriage before giving up and just fucking around. I never could find a single one. Women start fucking as soon as they hit puberty, it seems. And that was in the late 1990s and early 00s. I doubt it's gotten any better.
Read More11h ago TheRedPill
@derdeutscher For dating and casual sex, I agree it's silly to worry about her past (or even her present), but for something like marriage, anything less than a virgin is unacceptable IMO
11h ago TheRedPill
@derdeutscher This is just my personal opinion, and I don't expect everyone to agree with me, but I would never consider a woman who is not a virgin for anything serious beyond maybe long term dating. I would never marry her. I wouldn't even marry most virgins today because of how mentally screwed up they are by social media and smartphones, but if I were to find a woman who wasn't like that, I'd only ever marry a virgin. A girl who already had a partner before is not going to be suitable for anything beyond dating for a few months/years, IMHO
22h ago TheRedPill
This whole TRP obsession with past has its roots in one study which claims that women lose their ability to pair bond after certain number of sexual encounters. That is one study, and they pulled some claims based on how people (women for that matter) FEEL. I would not call that science by any means.
Second part of this root is that it is easier for guys to mask their insecurities with "science", then to admit that they just have fragile egos. Hence always reference to "inability to pair bond".
Am I claiming that this theory is completely useless? No, BUT its a very wide spectrum. Unless she slept with 150 guys I dont think its important, and I dont question too much. Besides, I myself lived through a lot of shit with clean past chick, and had wonderful time with girl who slept with 20-30 guys.
I care about what I see and hear NOW. But thats me.
Read More@woodsmoke There are two types of women out there: women who tell you about their dirty past, and women who lie about their dirty past.
23h ago TheRedPill
Are you claiming a woman having a "clean past," as you put it, is not important?
If so, I have bad news for you.
1d ago TheRedPill
@Mate1212 Seriously, what is the whole obsession with clean past?? Something is going wrong in TRP world.
Yes, its ok to have feelings for her. No, its not ok to love her because she has a clean past, whatever it is supossed to mean.