The Red Pill: Discussion of sexual strategy in a culture increasingly lacking a positive identity for men.
9m ago TheRedPill
I love how the opposite of the red pill, they call it the blue pill still. Which, accepting the point of the Matrix where the name comes from, they are sort of admitting to burying their head in the sand and accepting the lie so to live in bliss. Wouldn't that be altogether impossible? You would think they would quite frankly reject swallowing pills all together.
5h ago TheRedPill
Seriously, what is the whole obsession with clean past?? Something is going wrong in TRP world
What happened is that 'TRP' became a marketable brand that everyone wanted in on; Especially the traditional-conservatives, who had already been losing cultural ground for more than half a century.
So while TRP started out as kind of a "third option" for men (in opposition to both progressivism and traditionalist conservativism), people with lingering blue pill ideals (a.k.a trad-cons) started making efforts to forcefit TRP into their line of thinking.
Add to that incels, and what have you, and there we have the state of TRP today.
6h ago TheRedPill
@Typo-MAGAshiv Yeah important qualification.
However it still requires a unicorn of a normal healthy woman to get through a who system -educational, medical and commercial that is aimed to make her slutty so it can continue the way its heading profitably.
Best bet is to look for damage minimisation -women with self control tells who self report long relationships with minimal bad stories. If they are virgins or not is less important than that they are self controlled and fair players with good attitudes. It is very unlikely that a woman who is normal and friendly and has no tattoos, does not drink more then the social minimum, smoke or take drugs, applies herself in sport or studies and self reports good long relationships is a covert ruined slut. That's about the best you can shoot for these days.
Most virgins today in the west have something mentally or physically wrong with them over 20, maybe even younger.
Read MoreSex has virtually zero negative *immediate consequences for a girl in today's world
there are still long-term consequences, such as burning out neuroreceptors by bonding (sometimes hysterically) with so many different men among many others.
It's kind of like cigarettes: you aren't going to immediately contract lung cancer and die after one cigarette, but smoke enough over a long time, and you have significantly increased your chances of lung cancer among other bad effects.
10h ago TheRedPill
@Typo-MAGAshiv Virginity is an ideal wish that is hard to impose on today's world.
In the end if she is normal and healthy, why would she not start having sex early in this world unless she is a bit autistic about her body or about her religion.
Sex has virtually zero negative consequences for a girl in today's world. It is fun, it makes you all "grown up" to the rest of the hive and it gets you courted, and treated and given stuff. What is not to like for a young woman? The whole education system has told her "you go for it gurl, its your right"
That is the world we are dealing with today. The virgins that are left are the mentally odd, the ones with a physical problem, the very ugly and the liars.
One day the world may get better again but that is where we are at. so if you want a normal healthy woman who likes sex and likes men, you are highly unlikely to find a virgin worth considering as mate material n the west older than about 19.
This comes from a man who married as a virgin to an 18 year old who claimed to be a virgin but who almost certainly was lying. Playing the blue pill fantasy is likely to cause more trouble than it will fix. You don't want someone with mental issues, physical issues, ugliness or truth problems.
Read More19h ago TheRedPill
I agree a lot of dudes take things too far and autistically fixate on virginity but, if you genuinely believe the only evidence in favor of the value of chastity is a single questionable study from a few decades ago, you're missing the continent-spanning forest for the bristly little hairs of the caterpillar on a single leaf.
There's a reason every successful civilization in history has restricted women's sexual agency and it ain't because the men were insecure and had fragile egos. Yes, it's possible for a promiscuous woman to shape up and steer right for a new man but expecting that to happen because she's behaving herself right now is all but openly pleading with fate to bend you over a barrel and have it's way with you.
22h ago TheRedPill
Right. I'm not talking about hunting unicorns but analyzing probabilities. A woman being a virgin is no guarantee she'll stick with you and a promiscuous woman can change her ways and choose to be faithful, but you generally have better odds of building something lasting with the former.
1d ago TheRedPill
There's nothing wrong with growing a strong, emotionally fulfilling connection with another human being. You don't need anyone's permission to continue with your girlfriend, let alone to justify or validate the relationships you keep to anonymous nobodies like us
1d ago TheRedPill
How far is having feelings for your girlfriend considered normal / ok? Is this a complete black or white thing? Either you love woman or you understand them? Is the "butterfly feelings" emotional dependency?* How do I know wether I'm in a healthy mental condition in the relationship or tend to have onities? And how could I fix this?
In my case this feeling only comes after spending a weekend with here. I just Ignore it.
If you and your girlfriend treat each other in ways that you're both mutually comfortable with, then I can only pray you both work to build something strong and lasting. There's nothing wrong with growing a strong, emotionally fulfilling connection with another human being. You don't need anyone's permission to continue with your girlfriend, let alone to justify or validate the relationships you keep to anonymous nobodies like us.
To help you, consider investing into a reliable ready reference you can pick up and study to better prepare yourself for engaging the opposite sex. I'd suggest that you get yourself a copy of Doc Love's "The System: The Dating Dictionary". Doc Love, who until his passing was also known as Tom Hodges, wrote a weekly advice column that's archive is mirrored on several mens focused sites and a podcast. His media is a bit pricey, but it's a solid foundation a guy can branch out from in RP aware circles. I'd suggest you review his advice column to decide if his view on dating and relationships is aligned with what you aspire for yourself. To save yourself a search, give this scribed link a gander to find out if his book is something you'd like to add to your library. It should also be available on libgen.
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