7h ago Ask TRP
@Typo-MAGAshiv I think what you are not seeing is that they partnered him with the best guy they had. Being in the army (and only being there a fraction of the time that a normal officer has to because you have to go shake people's hands most of the time) is not quite the same as a civilian life where you are not the person being organised, you are doing the self organising.
He has always had the best people organising his life for him because he is a prince. He has never had to do anything without an instruction or recommendation from someone who is one of the very best his nation has to offer. That is his huge weakness. He has never had to discern who is full of crap and who is wise, who is self serving and who is on his side. He has people to do that for him. Suddenly he started taking career advice from a selfish showgirl.
Now Harry was a good officer. What he lacked in actual experience and in brains he more than made up for in good heart, courage and aristocratic flair. (He was basically a natural born cavalry officer). He was an officer you would follow. I have met people who have served with him. That I am not disputing. It makes it sadder that a good officer like Harry, a patriotic Englishman and a dammed good hunter to boot should be cut off from his friends and family and turned into a soy boy traitor by a utterly self serving woman who probably doesn't even like him by now.
Read Moreorganise his dairy
He still has a bit of learning to do there but yeah he could do that
If memory serves, he did that. He served in the military as a helicopter pilot and deployed to Afghanistan.
16h ago Ask TRP
@Typo-MAGAshiv OK but imagine having to turn up for his flights on time with no one to organise his dairy, imagine sending in his invoices, paying his tax, dealing with disgruntled customers and such. He still has a bit of learning to do there but yeah he could do that.
Dating two friends. How to fix fuckup?
I had been dating two girls for 3/4 months respectively. They became friends 1 month in as we all train at the same gym together and they were both around me at times. No exclusivity with either, although I wasn't exactly open about who I was sleeping with. The problem began two weeks ago when they hung out outside of the gym and told eachother everything, the next day they both broke it off. They have been orbiting me the past few weeks in the gym coming in the exact same times, TOGETHER. I was getting more serious with one of them and the other one got jealous and decides to ruin it.
I have been no contact with both for two weeks, they both regularly look my way and I give a simple smile and move on. Will they reach out at some point? I donm't give a fuck if one does but the other I am more interested in.
What's the solution? Remain no contact, go by my business and if they reach out ask to meet up?
update - Approached the one I like in the gym, she maintained that she is completely done because of the lack of trust. I said that I respect that and left it at that. This isn't recoverable aye?
This is a non-issue. You did nothing wrong, they're just idiots. Those two made some delusional resolution to feminist solidarity. As they see you with other females, they'll start acting like kids jealous someone's enjoying their old toy, and will feel themselves compelled to take corrective action to get back into your life. If they treat you well, I don't see why you shouldn't grow your inventory of plates by two more.
In the long run, consider investing into a reliable ready reference you can pick up and study to better prepare yourself for engaging the opposite sex. I'd suggest that you get yourself a copy of Doc Love's "The System: The Dating Dictionary". Doc Love, who until his passing was also known as Tom Hodges, wrote a weekly advice column that's archive is mirrored on several mens focused sites and a podcast. His media is a bit pricey, but it's a solid foundation a guy can branch out from in RP aware circles. I'd suggest you review his advice column to decide if his view on dating and relationships is aligned with what you aspire for yourself. To save yourself a search, give this scribed link a gander to find out if his book is something you'd like to add to your library. It should also be available on libgen.
Read More1d ago Ask TRP
@Vermillion-Rx Harry is perfect living proof of how even a natural born chad can be turned into a pathetic beta by the right manipulative woman.
I am sure she is not bad in the sack but he will have had enough quality women to know that all hot healthy women are more or less alike in the dark and be proofed form getting onitis from sex.
She is a real smooth operator. She tapped into his fears of the press coming for his mother by telling him he needed to stand up for her getting on line "abuse" for being his latest girl. She made him strap on his little white knight cape and declare his love for her when otherwise she would just have been a showgirl distraction (as Prince Phillip knew she should be). After that it was one way traffic as the more she was hated by his family, their staff and the public, the more he stood fast as her champion.
He has entirely ruined himself for her. He has no skill set other than being a prince. What is he to do now but double down on being her white knight while she treats him with growing contempt?
Read MoreGawd damn sometimes I just can't be arsed to reply.
Everyone in my life knows this about me, and I extend the same curtesy.
2d ago Ask TRP
@Vermillion-Rx There are too many variables here to be sure. When I was juggling women in different places, I would turn off the notifications (it just made them jealous even though they knew of each other).
On the other hand she might have wanted to get your messages right away when you were gone.
Or she had turned them off not to be hassled in giving you her full attention while you were with her.
In the end the full picture with something as complex as a woman only comes out with a lot of data.
@Vermillion-Rx it might be an attempt to signal honesty, meaning she sees this as having LTR potential.