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The stock market [wah wah waaaah] ... not a LITTLE thing
It is when you don't give two flying fucks about it!
For average Americans, it's pretty much all pain and no gain so far with the Trump administration
Oh yes, it was so painful to see all of this corruption and misuse of my tax dollars finally exposed and ended.
Oooh, it hurts so good to see all the illegal aliens aka criminal invaders finally getting deported.
Ouchie-wa-wa! Talks of no longer taxing tips, retirement, or overtime wages?! Ooh, I hurt so much from the anticipation of all that extra money we'll have!
President Trump, if you see this:
as for you, MSNBCorpheus and @Adam-L, you are both getting 713ed for all your flouncing lies!
@Vermillion-Rx I have nerev been dyslexic in my entire file.
@deeplydisturbed hey, I only mentioned that rotten bitch's name. It's not like I posted a picture the way @mentorpheus (aka MSNBCorpheus) did of Dank Demoss elsewhere in the thread!
@Love2travelbrah smiling and laughing will neither make you more attractive nor less attractive.
If a woman's already attracted to you, she'll like your smile and laugh. She'll say shit such as "like, ohmiGAW, he has such a beautiful smile!"
If a woman finds you repulsive and you smile and laugh around her, she'll say shit like "what the fuck is that nasty creep smiling about?"
Have you read the TRP and/or MRP sidebars? They give you a lot of info on what actually attracts women. Lift weights. Be assertive and confident and congruent. Don't be subservient. Etc.
@deeplydisturbed I wish X would let unregistered lurkers view replies
1h ago The Hub
@deeplydisturbed Poor thing. Good job she realised she had to set herself free or she would have been almost as unhappy as her husband was before he found out he has a slut wife.
@deeplydisturbed I'm inspired. I think it's time to have another man's baby. Thanks for sharing!
Bro. That's like nuclear option shit right there. Why. Just why did you get that bullyok's image in my head.
That for when you never want to get an erection ever again.