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Where do people go for some interesting long form written content? Every platform seems more conducive to bite sized comments.
@spooky speaking of Saint Patrick's Day and leprechauns, it's time for me to continue a little tradition of mine (for anyone who wishes to relive the past occasions, just enter "+magashiv +leprechaun" into the site's search feature).
A young man of Irish descent decided to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day in Boston. He entered a bar to begin his festivities. He saw a little dude in a green suit sitting at the bar drinking.
"Nah, can't be." he thought to himself.
He sat down next to the little guy and started drinking. After an hour or two, the young man couldn't stand it any longer.
"I can't believe I'm asking this, but are you a leprechaun?"
The midget in the green suit replied in a thick Irish brogue, "sure n' begorrah, I be a leprechaun."
The youth grabbed the little guy by the shoulder. "Well I just caught ya! Do I get your pot of gold?"
"Nay, laddie, 'tis no pot of gold, but t'ree wishes. But thar be a catch: ye have to let me fuck ye in the arse."
"No way! That's disgusting! I'm not gay!"
"Think aboot it, laddie! It's t'ree wishes! And they can be for anyt'ing!! Ain't that worth aboot 20 minutes of pain?"
The youngster finished his beer. "Fuck it. I know the manager, and he'll let us use one of the store rooms upstairs. Let's do this. I want my three wishes!"
A few minutes later, they're in that room, and the little man in the green suit (sans pants) is going to town in the young man's ass.
"So what's yer name, lad?"
"Nnngh! It's @Victor!"
"And how old are ye, @Victor?"
"Isn't 22 a bit old to be believing in leprechauns, @Victor?"
Read MoreWomen cant go on without sex.
I've known some who have gone for years, mostly by choice
Disney's "Snow White" (2025)
#2025 #DarkHumor #Disney #SnowWhite #Film #Clown #World #US #America #Female #Beauty #GalGadot #RachelZegler #CultureWar #Ideology #Baizuo #WhiteLeft #Liberalism #Atheism #Antitheism #Marxism #Feminism #Humanism #Globohomo #Globalism #Paganism #RabbinicalJudaism #Satanism #MentalIllness #MoralIllness
7h ago The Hub
@derdeutscher Probably some biology at work. I mean, novelty is an aphrodisiac, familiarity is an anti-aphrodisiac. And 10 times a week sounds like overkill to me.
But probably also some things for you to unpack there. Could be a million things. Not enough kink/filth? Certain unattractive, turn-off-ish behaviors messing with the enthusiasm on either part? Lack of compatibility? You tell me.
Whatever the reasons are though, a dead bedroom is a raw deal for whoever wants the action, but isn't getting it. So it's well worth either taking seriously, or just ending it.