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Breaking the First Rule of Fight Club
"The Club That Dare Not Speak Its Name"
This is an essay that appears in the new and wide-ranging SmartPop anthology, entitled You Do Not Talk About Fight Club: I Am Jack’s Completely Unauthorized Essay Collection. The anthology was edited by the brilliant media ecologist Read Mercer Schuchardt and features a forward by Chuck Palahniuk himself.
The Physics of Fight Club
There is a savage joy in violence. The secret of the success of Fight Club is its acceptance of that basic and uncomfortable truth, which is as well-known to every martial artist, gang member, and football hooligan as it is completely alien to the sedentary sort of middle-aged individuals favored by those who publish novels. For as men have known since long before the Colosseum’s sands were first soaked with blood, there is no adrenaline rush so great as the moment when two men put one another to the physical test.
Fight Club is a fascinating little book which not only embraced that truth, but in doing so, translated surprisingly well to the cinematic medium. This should probably not have been surprising, given that the author’s witch’s brew of male fury and raw but stylized violence is almost perfectly suited for that male audience which so enjoys the cinematic adventures of Bruce Lee, Jean-Claude van Damme, Jackie Chan, and a host of other aggressively oriented male leads. The combination of that visceral appeal with the brilliant casting of a ripped and shirtless Brad Pitt for the ladies all but assured Hollywood hit status.
When viewed from a technical perspective, Fight Club is nearly as absurd as any wuxia extravaganza featuring aerial acrobatics and mad dashes through the treetops, whereas from a psychological perspective, it is impressively accurate. To the combat-aware reader, the book raises the interesting question of how the author could have gotten the latter so right and the former so wrong.
Fight Club subscribes to the common conventional fiction that it is not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but rather the size of the fight in the dog. Although in Fight Club terms, this might be better described as the size of the proverbial canine’s violent sociopathy. As with most aphorisms, there is an element of truth to this; all things being equal, the tougher individual will usually prevail. But outside of the formalized structure of the boxing ring, all things are very seldom equal.
The most basic truth of unarmed combat is that F = M x A: Force equals Mass times Acceleration. Since Force is the measurement of what is smashing into your face and is the primary variable determining exactly what the effect of that blow will be, it is very important to understand the significance of this equation. Since Mass is a function of size, this means that a larger individual will usually pack a more powerful punch than a smaller one. Usually, but not always.
Review continues here: voxday.net/2008/08/04/fight-club-anthology/
#2008 #Voxday #Essay #Review #Books #Adapted #Film #FightClub #US #America #Propaganda #Media #SSH #Lambda #FemaleHeaded #Household #Promiscuity #Predditors #Grooming #Homosexuality #SamesexAttracted #Sodomites #Pedophiles #Noncery #Pederasty #Pedophocracy #GenderDysphoria #MentalIllness #MoralIllness #ChuckPalahniuk #DavidFincher #JimUhls #ReadMercerSchuchardt
Read MoreNo, man. It's the other way around. She wants him way more than he does. Or she has some kind of mental issue or something. 10 times a week after one year of relationship?
Why should he see sex as a service to Her Highness?
He clearly states he doesn't enjoy it. He should look for enjoyment elsewhere. She could stay, if she wanted...
this time references to the Enola Gay were removed from government websites for DEI reasons
No, they were flagged for removal.
Hopefully, this will get straightened out.
Trump did it yet again
This is either:
A) unintended consequences caused by people lazily using ctrl + F and then not looking at the results,
B) malicious compliance (ReSiSt!!!1) deliberately done to undermine Trump
His executive order was to remove DEI garbage, not anything and everything with the word "gay" in it or anything and everything with minorities or women in it.
7h ago The Hub
Trump did it yet again, and this time references to the Enola Gay were removed from government websites for DEI reasons. For those who don't know, the Enola Gay was the aircraft that dropped the bomb over Hiroshima.
@carnold03 They are leagues apart. As far as Zegler's eyes are from each other.
@MentORPHEUS Why is it always the fat broke mid ones who have the most entitled 6'3 white chad or nothing attitudes x)