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5m ago The Hub
malicious compliance
It very 'meh' people not recognising all this sorry tactics and a badwagon of anti-new-leaders.
Being in opposition to Trump and Musk is very popular. I would bet there is a solid number of the 'influencers' that make a very good money on that now. The Small fish do the stupid pranks like this for funzies and a 5 min of spot light.
I use this small forum, to keep tabs on other stuff, and lately 70% of content is about Trump and Musk. And this is neither the US nor an English spoken forum.
38m ago The Hub
Good story.
I'm sending you the same emoji, orbiter sent to my plate, when she told him I'm pissing her off.
Not sure will that show here
I couldn't find the definition but a reference to Chris Hansen. What is the intended meaning
This is how asinine my peers are:
Deleted Snapchat like 10 days ago. Apparently everyone has been worried that I'm in jail, in the hospital, just mad at them.
A group of about six guys, 25 to 33, have checked the slammer, asked around, expressed their concerns to others. Basically they've done everything but text or call me.
Only reason I know any of this, is one guy, the one I have the least amount of history with called me to see what's up.
This is how asinine my peers are:
Deleted Snapchat like 10 days ago. Apparently everyone has been worried that I'm in jail, in the hospital, just mad at them.
A group of about six guys, 25 to 33, have checked the slammer, asked around, expressed their concerns to others. Basically they've done everything but text or call me.
Only reason I know any of this, is one guy, the one I have the least amount of history with called me to see what's up.
semen demon
When I first saw that term, I had thought it was a derogatory term for a kid, like "crotch spawn" or "womb turd". I used it frequently to mean it that way, but then one day I found out that it meant something else entirely.
I haven't used that term since.
3h ago The Hub
"Expel the parasites feasting on the prosperity of the U.S. and restore the country to our previous productive capacity..."
Is this satire?
Trump is the parasite class.
What "productive capacity" are you even talking about? This isn’t the 1960s. The U.S. has no real productive capacity left (aside from the Military-Industrial Complex). Deindustrialization was a deliberate policy, designed to shift economic power from the productive sector to the financial sector. It took decades to unfold, and it will take at least a century to reshore production.
You seem to think the oligarchic capital class actually cares about the U.S. or the well-being of the average American citizen.
What makes you think a billionaire with three passports, 15 residences across the globe, factories in East Asia, bank accounts in Dubai and Switzerland, a globalized labor force, and a customer base spanning the entire planet gives half a damn about you or anyone in your economic stratum?
Nationalism? Please.
He’ll sell off his Ohio factory to his Chinese billionaire golf buddy and move production to Bangladesh if it means improving his bottom line by half a percent.
As for the workers in that Ohio factory? You’re nothing but an output line in an Excel spreadsheet—a cost to be minimized to maximize shareholder value. Saudi shareholders, Qatari shareholders, Indian shareholders, and yes, even American shareholders—Americans who’ve been lobbying your icon Trump to facilitate deals exactly like these.
Make no mistake: Trump doesn’t care half a shit about you. He’s not playing 4D chess. He’s just an entertaining orange baboon who knows how to play the media game well enough to get elected and push his cronies’ agenda.
He’ll enrich his clan, dirty his hands, do what he’s told, and sell off what’s left of the U.S. empire for scraps.
Read MoreI'd rather suffer 1y now, than 10y later. One can multiply 1y but then multiply 10y with the same number.
I'm constantly butting heads with my boss about this. He seems to have decided Trump is an idiot who'll drag the country down with his incompetent trade policies because he's doing things that will cause some disruption in the short term. I see it as necessary triage.
Anyone who thought we were going to expel the parasites feasting on the prosperity of the U.S. and restore the country to our previous productive capacity without taking it in the shorts for a while is fooling themselves. There's a lot of fat needs cutting and a lot of bottom feeders need plucked off and cast away - and an awful lot of those are found in public "service."