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9m ago The Hub
@adam-l seriosly baffled here
In my country he is known for being a ferocious supporter of Russia and by association Putin (I wont be bothered to look for links now but what I remember Urban was blocking EU initiatives to block import of the Russian commodities and always sided with Russian view of the war including war crimes denials of some sorts)
Or maybe he just likes the money. Like some other African Prince.
Both agree on the immigration politics, but I wouldnt like to comment on the Orban's immigration politICS with any sort of conviction.
Fact is that the Poland's previous government was praised for stopping illegal aliens on the Belarusian border, but not many know that the same gov let in more aliens than any previous gov before (per year) - including sales of the Polish visas in the Africa, right from a stall in the embassy.
Did any of you know that?
Read MoreTrump's greatest ally in Europe, Hungary's Orban, is creating a tax hell for men.
3h ago The Hub
3h ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv I was trying to use the Snapchat during COVID to trace the spots where ppl gather, for a day game.
They had this heat map and altho people couldnt go to bars they were allowed to go outdoor.
Never got too it properly.
3h ago The Hub
Getting rid of anti-white, anti-male institutional discrimination isn't "punching down" on the former beneficiaries of such prejudiced policies
Since it is zero sum game, he might call it 'punching down'. Especially if he identifies with some of it. Putting things in place certainly can feel like it.
4h ago The Hub
the loud minority appears even louder and less like a minority.
I didnt mean popular in a majority way, rather a popular new shiny thing to bitch about and make the money off a circle jerk content.
Or did you not mean this one,
The other one. Same thing applies there - an emotional circle jerk got created. Then more people jumped on a bandwagon, as it usually is: don't care but post something funny, something AI fake Elon said, doom and gloom prognosis, how EU leaders stepped up, you name it. critical-thinking-be-gone.
@Vermillion-Rx nowhere near old enough or fat enough to be my mom lol
It's a slut that really loves and craves jizz.
Example: your mom.
Your mom is an even bigger Semen Demon, fag
@Vermillion-Rx shows what you know.
That's not Garfield.
That's Barfield, from the classic parody "Barfield Loses His Lunch".