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58m ago The Hub
You're right. He should have personally looked over the shoulder of every bureaucrat who was carrying out his instructions. That worthless orange piece of shit should have grown 75000 heads so he could look over all their shoulders.
It is commonly known that the corrupt governments rule either by a force having the military on their side or by democratically increasing a size of the public servants number that essentially do nothing and would be replaced/sacked when the new brush comes around. So the incentive is to vote the same and encourage the familly to do the same. Here hypergamy might be beneficial. The women voting oposite to what a beta tells them.
Anyways. Now all these leeches will be causing problems. Is it bad? Nah they mark themselves, its actully good for the business.
Read MoreIs he in charge of his administration or not? When do you start holding him accountable as President?
You're right. He should have personally looked over the shoulder of every bureaucrat who was carrying out his instructions. That worthless orange piece of shit should have grown 75000 heads so he could look over all their shoulders.
Miriam Adelson
Had to look her up. Meh.
I guess we've passed the "He JUST got into office! Give the guy a CHANCE!" phase.
Yup. Now we're in the "your dumb bitch candidate fucking lost, so quit kvetching and suck it up, buttercup!" phase.
Oh. And as ever, the HAVE SOME VCARDS phase as well.
1h ago The Hub
Is he in charge of his administration or not
Being an outsider I could say to be on par.
US citizens voted for him in elections and made him the president of the USA, that makes you also responsible for what he does
@First-light are you familiar with the dumb shit Tater Tot has said over the years?
The dude's a living embodiment of what @adam-l said earlier:
There is a way of living that's performative, and those trapped in it are maniacal about affirming that it's the only way of living
He's always insisted that theb only way to live life and be successful is to do exactly what he did, and that you ain't shit if you don't.
Dude's a total faggot. A retarded faggot. A retarded faggot who makes his living ripping off confused young men.
@adam-l I'm not thrilled about it either, but I can understand why he did it. They need to replenish their population, and with native Hungarians.
And while I was mostly being facetious when I said "Maybe husband can stay home with the kids while the wife works and pays zero income tax", that's still an adaptation some smart families might make.
And again, even if this policy does suck as much as you predict (and it might not), Orban is still an overall positive for Hungary, Europe as a whole, and even Western Civilization.
Trump has been leading a global far-right wave
Trump? far-right?!
oh wait, you're serious?! Well allow me to laugh even harder!
Trump is not even right-wing, let alone "far-right". He's a nationalist, but I'd put him center-left if anything.
Pat Buchanan is far-right, and it's a pity he was never President. Same with Barry Goldwater.
And besides, Trump is not relevant to something Orban is doing in Hungary.
Read Morephone calls and text are reserved for family, close friends.
So fucking weird
Texting is my preferred means of communication, no matter who someone is
@RikiGoesToHollywood that makes even LESS sense!
have some vcards!
Mainstream media and left cannot stop talking about how harmful these redpill grifters are to men and how they don't care about helping men.
Which is probably true in many cases, they are out just to make money. But as expected the left also won't ever admit it's because these guys are at least offering men something, and also the truths they put forth about women and their nature are accurate.
In a gynocentric society accepting this is a big no-no.
2h ago The Hub
@First-light I agree that you can have genuine take on Tate this way. But
how much value that spawn will have longterm, I can go around impreganating hoes (which I might have) and disappear
- Men are adpting, it isnt exacly the choice of any idividual man that the game rules can be changed while he is in the game, while also being already rigged against him
Additional points
Gay men also have bio kids
- Mother nature has started regulating itself