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@First-light Biological reproduction is only one of the ways people have used to counter existential dread. It's by noeans the only, or the ultimate.
An argument can be made that Darwin's legacy is not his children, it's theory.
Otherwise, I largely agree.
3h ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv My kids won't text or phone their friends -it seems that it is almost rude to intrude on them like that. They use snap chat or something else I have never had and then they get very worried about leaving each other "on read". If you look at someone's snap, you need to reply or its rude, so you just don't look till its convenient.
I think maybe its their way of getting space and privacy. When mobiles first came in, I refused to have one for ages because I hated the way mobiles just meant everyone could intrude in on you at any time. (it took me years to learn that I could just ignore phone calls).I think this may be a way to get back a bit of space from a world that would otherwise be overwhelming in terms of input. But it does make for silly situations like "why don't you just call and check?" "Oh no I don't want to be rude"
Read More4h ago The Hub
@adam-l There is a huge section of the male population that is becoming removed form the reproductive pool. Its the great crime against humanity of our age and no one in the establishment gives a fuck.
This has happened before in history when you get very unequal societies where a portion of the population slaves to support another section of the population. Very few of the slave men get to reproduce and everyone says its just how things should be. The great father state now pays for women using the labour of the ordinary man, so women are free to pursue the men they really want.
This means that men who are sub prime go and practise copying the tells of high value men (which is actually what a lot of red pill theory teaches you to do) so they can have short term sex with very low reproductive risk. And in doing so, they only make themselves bigger slaves. they just support the system, they just add to the competition for women's attention, to the general simping.
Every man who does not reproduce and just has fun has no stake in the world's future. Young disenfranchised men are no longer caring about the family or about women as people even, they just want to have a good time, what else can thy hope for? They become like the mice in mouse utopia who just sat about and groomed -go to gym, buy nice clothes and stuff, have fake sex with condom (if you are lucky) and live "life lite" looking good.
Read More4h ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv I only know a tiny bit about him and that might even be wrong -he ran a grubby business getting cam whores to extract money from simps? He ran a business telling guys with low success with women that if they followed his tips (which no doubt work well if you are handsome, cocky and loaded like he is) then they would get more women? He got in trouble with the liberal establishment machine and I started to feel mildly sorry for him. That's about all I know.
Interestingly, my lady approvingly quotes things he says sometimes! So I expect he is somewhat blue pill.
Quite happy to believe he's a faggot but I do wish men would see that no matter how steeply the pitch is angled against them, no matter how unfair the rules or or how stupid the referees' decisions are, you have to play the reproduction game if you want to win a genetic slot in the future. If you don't want to hand the genetic future to careless chads and well off beta simps (the only two types of men who are regularly getting easy reproductive access these days), you have to play your best game.
This is what I used to argue about with the MGTOW. Avoiding all risks that women pose is fine but if that is the great goal, then the only guys who really won the lottery of life are the gays -loads of genuinely free sex, no risk of having children or getting divorce raped.
Read Moreothers choose not to but it is a missed opportunity.
There was a study in the UK where about a third of working class men had trouble with the law. Mental issues abound.
This connects with the other post I made, about Orban subsidizing women to produce more subjects for his state.
It fits perfectly with the evolutionary view, in that the upper class has created a world where reproduction is, rationally, impossible for the lower classes (unless you accept a ludicrous chance of mental issues, i.e. suffering, for your future offspring). They are now quite shamelessly colluding with women to override logic, and make kids: reproduction rate had plummeted to 1.2 in Hungary, because the majority had realized that it's not worth it.
You could choose to ignore the odds and plow ahead, but that's more desperation than grit.
(And all this diwcussion doesn't apply to above-middle class).
A humanistic approach to reproduction dictates that children must be born when they have reasonable chances to be happy.
That idea that you can spawn fatherless kids and that's ok, whether Tate's or Musk's, is completely retarded.
Read MoreI can't tell if you're a researcher or a student asking for help figuring out how to do it.
The first is not allowed on here and the latter is way off topic and doesn't belong on this site anyway. Why would you ask us for that. There are probably like 2 users on here that are good at research, so off topic.
Either way, if you are the latter and not trying to research us and being way off topic make a new account and participate like normal on here. I'm considering this spam
13h ago The Hub
You're right. He should have personally looked over the shoulder of every bureaucrat who was carrying out his instructions. That worthless orange piece of shit should have grown 75000 heads so he could look over all their shoulders.
It is commonly known that the corrupt governments rule either by a force having the military on their side or by democratically increasing a size of the public servants number that essentially do nothing and would be replaced/sacked when the new brush comes around. So the incentive is to vote the same and encourage the familly to do the same. Here hypergamy might be beneficial. The women voting oposite to what a beta tells them.
Anyways. Now all these leeches will be causing problems. Is it bad? Nah they mark themselves, its actully good for the business.
Read MoreIs he in charge of his administration or not? When do you start holding him accountable as President?
You're right. He should have personally looked over the shoulder of every bureaucrat who was carrying out his instructions. That worthless orange piece of shit should have grown 75000 heads so he could look over all their shoulders.
Miriam Adelson
Had to look her up. Meh.
I guess we've passed the "He JUST got into office! Give the guy a CHANCE!" phase.
Yup. Now we're in the "your dumb bitch candidate fucking lost, so quit kvetching and suck it up, buttercup!" phase.
Oh. And as ever, the HAVE SOME VCARDS phase as well.