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downvote every comment I make (even valid advice on other people’s posts)
Mental note to do that later
@Jackmoter there are others, such as @mentorpheus and @adam-l and @TitusTorquatus and @JamesSkepp (haven't seen him in a while), and maybe others I'm forgetting.
Also, Vermy isn't OG. he's a recent come-up.
Additionally, you're supposed to be sussing a lot of this out for yourself.
Gives me tingles starring down a former hot girl. Like sweetie, I can tell you use to be bad, but now you're in your thirties and fat. You don't have a chance with me.
@Jackmoter I still do from time to time
3h ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv Hahahha it’s not that deep I just find it funny that someone out there got butthurt enough to downvote every comment I make (even valid advice on other people’s posts)
The fact you feel the need to ask for examples demonstrates you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Does this mean that Matty is essentially the last active OG Endorsed Contributor left giving advice?
@redpillschool no, see, it's OK when his side does it.
It's even OK when his side misappropriates taxpayer funds and funnels the money through NGOs and uses that money to fund their campaigns.
How else could Kam-Kam have afforded to get Beyonce to make that little speech?]
But yeah, when our side just uses money in accordance with the laws as written, well, that's bad. Bad because Trump bad. Orange man bad.