The Red Pill: Discussion of sexual strategy in a culture increasingly lacking a positive identity for men.
To be in response to this thread as well as other similar books
That book appears to be real as well as others and someone also made a reaction to the book in an effort to make that book look bad
Yes you should have sex and pursue sex as a man. All I'm saying is you shouldn't be seeking sex with a woodchipper
If you've fucked a woman who doesn't respect you, you should find a way out. And if you can tell she already doesn't respect you but wants to fuck you, you shouldn't fuck her, it's just a time bomb
That wasn't my point, my point was selective vapid experiences with women who have absolutely no respect for you is a way to get yourself in bad situations, if you are hooked on it
It's better to fuck women and sex with women who aren't open or closet misandrists when you're having sex from a place of need instead of self direction
Perhaps i should have clarified that
stop looking for sex
I disagree strongly, though men should definitely prioritize that other stuff above sex
Your actual head is more important than the needs of your dick.
Your headspace is worth more than pussy. A good headspace will get you more pussy than you can deal with.
Bad pussy (crazy women) will give you a bad head space in which you will end up getting no pussy because your headspace is ass.
Don't compromise your mental health for an orgasm.
Men, stop looking for:
Sex, affection, and validation
from women.
Start looking for:
Peace, respect, and desire
And you'll end up with the first 3. Don't sacrifice your sanity for the former three without having the latter three, because you will end up with neither in short enough time.
Women who can't give you peace, respect and desire can only give you misery and burdens on a fast track
Women who CANNOT keep men around or get into relationships with men they like are inherently female losers.
You cannot take them seriously no matter how badly they fuck with your head.
They're fucking with your head because they are losers with nothing better to do in your connection to them, otherwise they wouldn't be doing it.
The only thing you should take seriously about them is getting the fuck away from them.
I don't know who needs to see this but I did
7 Stages Of Detoxing From A Covert Narcissist
~Lise Leblanc
I can't remember who told me to look her up but thank you