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3h ago The Hub
if another object of significant mass collided with it from the opposite direction. In which case, again, the Earth's rotation suddenly slowing would be the least of our concerns.
Nods in K-T Boundary... Basic physics shows the level of energy input needed to significantly slow the earth's rotation, much less stop it, less still in ONE DAY. Even less still to shortly thereafter getting it rotating again on the exact same axis at the exact same speed as before!
If a magnetic pole flip interacted with the latent energy of even 1% of the rotational mass of the planet, it would make the Carrington Event look like the lighting of Edison's first bulb.
Fun fact: Human activity HAS moved the rotational axis of the planet by around 80cm since 1993, and sped up the rotation of the planet by measurable fraction of a second per year since 1950, all by groundwater extraction and large scale impoundment at higher latitudes respectively.
Read More4h ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv The post to which I'm replying above basically hamsters the buying of votes for Judges that Elon wants with a flippant "Well, 'Other Side' does it so...".
I call this out as blue pill, feminine level rationalization and dodging/flouncing from the core of the issue at hand. FFS, take a masculine objective position on core principles here!
Is it, or is it not, harmless to democracy, for one billionaire to influence an election by handing out checkS for $1,000,000.00 to voters? Does this, or does it not, disenfranchise individuals by outvoicing them at 6 orders of magnitude?
This isn't asking if you happen to agree with the oligarch this particular time.
@quassis2001 We're working on a way to share the login again. Browsers recently did 3rd party cookies dirty.
I am a simple man to satisfy
Fucking same.
My new girl cooks, honestly better than me. Bakes, keeps a clean house and car. Stays physically active. Goes after he goals. Part of me feels like I won the lottery.
The reversal of this, is they're all pretty basic qualifiers and I can't help but feel my standards for long term partners have just been extremely low in the past.
As I was extremely low in the past, always trying to build up with them versus both of us were actively working on the individual before we became a couple.
@woodsmoke Aye, my impulse control is a little shit tbh. I've installed a web extension that blocks websites. It's easy to override, but I've found myself typing in web URLs, getting the block screen and being glad of it. We'll see if I can persist!
Pretty much, yeah. Unless something catastrophic happened to alter the natural state of affairs, such as another celestial object of sufficient mass colliding with Earth from the opposite direction.
'Course, if something like that were to happen, the planet's rotation slowing down would be the least of our concerns.
That's precisely my point, though; if the Earth were to suddenly stop rotating the "sloshing of the oceans" would be the least of one's concerns.
We don't notice it because we're on the Earth and moving with it but the same rules apply as being in a vehicle moving at significant speed. If the vehicle suddenly stops and you ain't strapped in you're not going to stop with it. Hell, past a certain velocity being strapped in is probably just as deadly as being ejected.
Not that it really matters, of course; the only way the Earth's rotation would ever stop in any kind of even vaguely sudden matter would be if another object of significant mass collided with it from the opposite direction. In which case, again, the Earth's rotation suddenly slowing would be the least of our concerns.
Read MoreWish I did. It's not something I ever really had to work at; once I came to the realization outlined above it was as simple as flipping a switch.
I suspect disposition has a fair amount to do with it. One of my weekend pro wrestling buddies is naturally a lot more anxious than I am and he's also a news junkie who can't seem to kick the habit.
To be fair, he's also a father, which gives him a fair bit more reason to be worried about the state of things.
@woodsmoke Indeed, I meant that through my green tinted glasses she did appear perfect.
I can safely conclude she was far from perfect.
So @Kloi's right: she wasn't perfect, you saw the red flags but chose to ignore them because you wanted to bang her.
We've all been there, sir. No shame in making a mistake so long as you learn from it. The problem was in how you presented it.
The most pernicious lies are those we tell ourselves. Learn to spot and root those out and you'll be much better equipped to do the same with those others toss your way.