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AIDS was a disease found primarily in the gay community. This is NOT contested.
YOU are politicizing it and people are no longer falling for it.
Shaming people for speaking the truth works in some areas in person still, but it is coming to an end.
Over 50% of the violent crime in the US is committed by black men - about 7% of the overall population (and we know it is not all 7% of black men, so the percentage is even smaller). This is not racist, it is a fact.
I would write a book on the things that are true but controversial, but most here know those things.
There are those who can handle grownup conversations, and there are those who cannot. You have just put yourself into the latter group.
Hold onto your beliefs, but you should know that when you say things like this:
the reason not to bother spending money researching and fighting it.
You are repeating a politcial meme. Nothing more.
You are also completely ignoring the role of people like Anthony Fauci in that debacle, who is incredibly far Left.
You have trapped yourself and there is no getting out.
Also, what would you say to all those women who were betrayed by their secretly bisexual partners?
Funny how there is never a word about this horrific atrocity on the women and children. So many ruined lives, so much suffering. But the problem is not those who caused it (gay males) and Leftist healthcare gurus (Fauci) - no no no - it is the Conservatives who were the root of the problem because they didn't listen to their sworn enemies about a new epidemic that had never been seen before.
Enjoy this ride while it lasts. But you can never say you weren't encouraged to open your mind and change.
Read More@MentORPHEUS that's a lot of obfuscation and diversion there, MSNBCorpheus.
You said that the millions spent to house these illegal aliens was "rapidly debunkable". So debunk (not deboonk) it already.
Its obvious that changing a marriage law would be difficult. Unpopular. Lossing voters. Each change would be a road through the hell.
And then it occurred to me that one thing and only one thing that look innocuous would work.
It would be hard to oppose this change without revealing the Machiavellian reasons behind it.
State backing off from regulating the marriages is the thing.
No marriage would have a legal status. No legal status, no legal responsibility.
If you don't want to get married, then don't. It's not particularly complicated to avoid, but if you're not actively working to gain an educated and well-informed understanding of romantic relationships and parentage independent of a fear born of the obligation or punishment for marriage failure, one can only conclude that you're either really stupid, really lazy, or a coward. Additionally, if you're in a relationship with a female incapable of discerning that wariness from you in casual conversations on the topic, then the only reasonable conclusions one can come to is that she's a delusional moron hobbled by her solipsism and other psychoses thus rendering her too stupid to be either a good prospective wife to any man, or good potential mother to her future children.
If you're in a relationship with a female who seeks marriage as a goal, despite you repeatedly telling them that you're not interested, stop banging them. Just ghost them or bail, there's plenty of fish in the sea. If you stick around with them under such circumstances and they're not taking the initiative to encourage you to educate yourself, you remain to your own folly because you're afraid to let your penis hang dry for a while. Should you find this is a regular occurrence with every female you get involved with, I'd strongly advise you invest into condoms, risug, or vasalgel procedures to take control of your virility so as to best avoid the potential of marriage entrapment by means of pregnancy until you've reached an educated and informed conclusion regarding your own interest, or disinterest, in being either a husband or father.
As for matters of state, history has shown governments seldom surrender power, unless someone's got a knife to the bureaucracies throats, a loaded pistol to the legislatures heads, and the security services testicles in a vise. At this point in time, I don't believe the citizenry possess the intelligence or determination indicative of any conscious unity required to make such things a reality. If anything, I'm more confident that the diabolical morons in government would be more inclined to massacre the entire population it parasites from than otherwise preserve, nurture, or enrich it with useful knowledge and most people would remain idle until they heard engines of death baring down upon them.
Therefore, it requires considering a legislative alternative the citizenry can get behind that doesn't overtly threaten those who benefit from the current policies in place. This requires the general population to form local decentralized groups working to comprehensively educate themselves regarding the liabilities prompting the states intrusion into peoples domestic affairs. Like anyone else, I have ideas of my own on the matter, but I'm always curious of the ideas others may suggest.
However, the best ideas oftentimes tend to be born of a mind that has pushed overcome their fears, reflected upon their own past, and made a sincere effort to educate themselves on the matter.
Read MoreNone of the money came from FEMA funds allocated to Americans. This money was authorized by Congress specifically to reimburse local agencies for costs incurred in housing migrants released from Federal custody in their jurisdictions, and disbursement of these funds got handled by FEMA.
This is a fact checkers MO. Hide behind the inaccuracy of the initial claim. The money was dispersed by FEMA, to states, who eventually paid the hotels. So Elon is wrong because he missed a step, gotcha.
The specific tranche of funds Elon referenced did not put $59 million toward housing, the actual figure was around $17 million
Not quite:
The Shelter and Services Program money was sent to the government of New York City, not directly to hotels, and the city said in a statement this month that of a recent allocation of about $59 million, about $19 million covered direct hotel costs for people seeking asylum; about $26 million was for services like food and security, while about $13 million was for group shelters and related services.
So the $59 million is accurate, but pedantry means we need to divide the bill by accommodation AND food AND other shelters so we can say “AHA! Not so fast!” Source
It may not have come from a disaster relief fund, but the money is real and was spent in such a manner regardless of intent or origin - which to me is the crux of the issue, and you’re of course free to disagree, but it’s intent and origin does little to move the dial on my opinion.
Read More9h ago The Hub
@Stigma Of the $59 million mentioned in Elon's tweet:
None of the money came from FEMA funds allocated to Americans. This money was authorized by Congress specifically to reimburse local agencies for costs incurred in housing migrants released from Federal custody in their jurisdictions, and disbursement of these funds got handled by FEMA.
The specific tranche of funds Elon referenced did not put $59 million toward housing, the actual figure was around $17 million
- No emergency relief funding, including that referenced by Musk, was EVER used to pay luxury rates for emergency housing. In the New York hotel market, the average per night payout averaged around the going rate of $150 per night for basic accommodations, while "luxury" rates would start above $400.
So, MAGA fans got played by Elon's tweet. In the words of George W. Bush, "Fool me once shame on you. Fool me... You can't get fooled again!"
If Trump and Elon were really all about saving Americans money, why gild the lily (or more apt IMO, spray paint the turd)? Why oversell and underdeliver on your claims and promises like this? Why sully your credibility and reputation by posting three major falsehoods in the space of a short tweet?
And for the MAGA fans here, how is this even congruent with Red Pill standards and recommendations? Why do you go to the mat defending lies like this out of Trump and Elon, when virtually the entire community shunned and ridiculed people like the Tate Brothers over much smaller numbers and deceptions?
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I don't know who "The Libs" are in your mind, but there is a not insignificant contingent that moralise the positions of illegals, asylum seekers and economic migrants. This contingent is very much "refugees welcome at all costs".
This is the classic Conservative strawman version of the position "The Libs" ACTUALLY hold and act upon. What conservatives call "The Libs" as if they are one unified bloc, actually consists of different factions that don't interact much between themselves. Many factions that aid and abet them aren't liberals at all.
True ideological Leftists who see immigrants as victims and pawns in a greater class struggle; these more often than not don't physically interact with immigrants at all.
Rank and file left leaning people who aren't highly politicized or up on ideological theory and writings, but intuitively feel compassion for those who are poor, disadvantaged, abused, exploited, etc.
Activists who fit more often into the second category than the first above, who are hands-on directly helping immigrants with basic needs like food, shelter, medical, legal needs
Clergy genuinely walking the walk of Jesus, offering direct food aid and spiritual comfort to all needy comers without qualifying them by categories like immigration status. These tend to lean conservative on issues like abortion and sexual mores, making lumping them in with "The Libs" particularly ridiculous. Contrast these with the Megachurch class of preachers, who court and pander to a select congregation of big-money conservatives, and would throw out on the street any lowly beggar who sullied their multimillion dollar church by darkening its door looking for a bite to eat
The above categories act more reactive to "immigrants who are already here;" the categories below are the ones with financial incentives to proactively (but very discreetly and indirectly) "keep immigrants coming in to America at all costs."
Small businessmen who employ "illegals" despite often identifying strongly conservative themselves. Construction, sole proprietor restaurant and hotel, and smaller farmers
Big businessmen who employ "illegals" on a large scale, often laundering this reality through third party independent staffing agencies for an illusion of separation from this. Picture the expensive suit wearing, cigar puffing President in his quiet glassed off office, looking down over his factory of dirt-poor workers toiling away. The character Veruca Salt and her Father in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were an example of this trope
Even bigger businessmen with high profile connections to politics who employ lots of immigrants both legal and illegal WHILE taking a loudly public position stoking anti-immigrant sentiments in the masses "below" them, while having their hands on the hands that hold the levers of power. One contemporary example, Elon Musk letting hundreds of high paid American workers go from his Tesla operations while pushing the government to expand the H1B tech worker visa program
Mainstream top level politicians, be they Democrats who pay lip service to "Immigrant rights" yet keep agencies like ICE, DHS, and Border Patrol mostly intact during their administrations, or Republicans who pay lip service to "Sealed Borders" yet keep policies like H1B active beyond "critical national security" needs and have lots of patrons and donors whose wealth depends on large workforces of "illegal" workersYou said it was rapidly debunkable, but there’s nothing rapid about this!
As detailed above, big complex federal issues can't get reduced to a snippy one-liner tweet and be useful toward public policy.
What I said was rapidly debunkable, was Elon's claim of "$59 million spent putting illegals up in luxury hotels."
Yes, so for the third time, debunk it!
(Apologies for any notification spam, working through some formatting issues)
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