1y ago The Fraternity
I want to share my thoughts, perhaps @antelope can translate with brevity.
First one must understand that I adhere to panentheism, which ill show a photo of. The photo is 2d, and we must understand that God is not limited to one dimension of time or 3 dimensions of space.
So the 2d is not some revelation. It's just the far better idea than atheism / pantheism / pride personification as it replaces man with God. The thing is that we must understand the journey of theosis. This journey is likely unique to us all and we are all connected but experiencing consciousness at a different perspective and point in time. Anyway. To the point of this.
One must understand 2 more ideas. God is the great gathering force and separation, which in greek, dia bolin (rough translation ), means to scatter or cast apart. Hence the diablo or darkness is when you separate. This might mean that evil is a privation of good. Meaning a lack of good. Which logically makes sense. Imagine a country that is in perfect alignment with God. Or close. And this nation is then subverted by a parasite. Or maybe a virus. This virus or parasite is the lack of good (nation) and wants to destroy the nation. What this means that is satisfying is that good can exist without evil but evil cannot exists without good. Or without God.
We don't need evil. If you remove the virus, the nation will heal. The nation is likely antifragile though. Okay. This is big and goes to the most controversial idea. That God is in everything including evil, and us, but we not evil are God. No matter how one would try. The more you commit evil (a specific behavior, probably derivatives of the capital 7 sins or the 7 deadly sins), the more you separate from God. But God is the great gathering force and ultimately we join, lot replace, in His divinity. Pride would be to think you could be God, the arrogance will lead to your fall. But back to anti fragile.
Every time good is attacked it becomes stronger. It's not just a rock or shield, but it's a force that grows when it's attacked and unless you maintain aesthetics and ascetics when you have removed or absorbed the lack of good into good, the darkness and depravity returns. A cycle but more likens spiral. An echo. Each cycle strengthens the good but the bad is strong too right before the best times.
I believe the yuga cycle is onto something but there is salvation also. According to Hinduism, we are at the end of the worst cycle, the kali yuga, and in 2025 the good times come, the golden age.
Ironically there is a project 2025. Look into that. You'll also see other predictions of 2025 or around this time. Regardless, I maintain Christianity as the foundation but when it's in it's most orthodox form. You'll see the triune or trinity in all ancient mythology and religious outside of a few. I digress. @antelope. This is where I need you.
So God became man so man could share in his divinity. But I do think the virus must either be renounced entirely or absorbed (assimilation). Theosophy had a good idea too. That we've as a collective consciousness have fallen down so thus we've needed the material and codes as a grounding mechanism. But now we are rising and thus a spiritual and material understanding is necessary. The body and soul are intimately connected. Strong mind strong body. Strong body, strong mind.
Hence why working out, eating healthy, staying disciplined is important as it puts you through a positive feedback loop. And gives you a natural confidence. Once you don't have to fake it to make it.
Strong prayer. Find your passion and make that job then you'll never have to work. Don't take the easy route. That's where the darkness gets you. Easy is not long lasting but only immediately gratifying followed by a fast downward trend. The longer more disciplined route is almost an allegory to faith itself. Like working out. You know doing this over and over will lead to stronger larger more aesthetic muscles. But it requires patience, prudence, courage, and temperance.
Lastly. Understand we can't control the world. We can't control what happens. We can control how we react though. And just like frame, we must reframe the negative. Psyop everything for good if necessary. But you don't have to if you just follow the traditional values and divine virtues that transcend it all.
That is it for now. I will post panetheism. Again. @antelope. If you can help with brevity and verbiage. That would be amazing.
PS: only have a smartphone, waiting in my laptop to arrive. So understand. I want a mastermind alliance not a disagreement. No sophistry. Only Socratic method. Thank you. God bless.
Again. Remember.. This is a 2d photo they could never encapsulate all that he divine.
PPs: much editing is needed.
Reframe. Tell me how you would recommend seeing everything if your job is to lead the men here into greatness for themselves and for a nation of excellence.
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2y ago The Fraternity
@self-righteous-mayhem Oh we're active, you just have to find us. About 1000 members worldwide.
2y ago The Fraternity
What is The Fraternity? www.patreon.com/thefraternity
We are a brotherhood of men just like you who meet in real life for real events. Our mission is to serve as a sounding board of non-traditional ideas and philosophies, and to help one another improve in various areas of our lives through mentoring and holding ourselves accountable to our actions and decisions. The Fraternity isn't a "safe space"; it's a crucible for success.
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The Fraternity transcends the traditional Greek experience as it also serves as a fraternal order for men around the globe to learn from experienced mentors both online and in person. Your monthly dues get you access to our Fraternity Portal on Discord where we host monthly mentoring sessions, watch parties where we provide our own red pill commentary, proprietary material produced via our founding fathers on Reddit and YouTube, and much much more.
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@longelm This looks like it was a while ago but I'm OC
4y ago The Fraternity
@elyjos Come over to the our organization's portal and ask around: discord.gg/xjav46c