Welcome to The Hub. This is our welcoming tribe dedicated to introducing yourself, meeting new people, and learning about new tribes.
Update on the crowdsource effort for no ads on forums. I changed my own personal donation from $6 per month to 14.99
If anyone is interested in doing the 2.99 or 6.00 per month me me know. we currently have $40/100 from everyone who has chipped so far and if you chip in now your perks of zero ads will stay permanent even if we have to bring ads back after or if you are unable to keep donating later on.
If the site brings you value consider tossing some pocket change towards the site quality
I used to have a no profile pic account that I'd just look at the news on. Never posted or anything and i had loads of "female" bot followers every day.
I have an actual account now and i have only encountered 5 bots at the beginning when i first made it and I have no had more than a couple since.
Part of why i joined was to get ad revenue paid for posting RP stuff since i make my posts anyway for free and they're still free on X. But I also want to RedPill normies and guys that might see that stuff. Definitely want to RedPill people a lot and now I have 3 places to do it and it's having a further and further reach now that my account is growing there
@Vermillion-Rx I joined twitter earlier this year and made a post here or there, not really that interested in it. My feed was shocking, though. Just a waterfall of outrage bait. Well the other thing of note was that I was just being constantly and steadily followed by bots with female names, all the time. It stopped for a while then started again. Never a male bot, mind you. They wouldn't interact with me, just follow me... the only thing I could figure is that it was to make stupid people feel like they were getting engagement to encourage them to continue? I don't know. It's a fucking weird place.
I'm 4.7M / 5M impressions to getting monetized, these chodes are gonna get me #Elonbucks
I'm spreading red pills further on X than on dot reds and reddit lol. Lots of normies and thousands more impressions
will start making a lot more posts for dot reds and reddit soon
Fuk you, i banged your mom she's a mid
@throwaway_old_guy I'm glad you saw the bigger picture. The aim of this post was not to shame anyone but let the guys know that they are not alone.
@Vermillion-Rx btw, your clever little "meme" has a gross oversight: it still shows you as "contributor"
lol u suck!
@Vermillion-Rx I don't think English is her first language
13h ago The Hub
In my early 20's, had a guy I was working for telling me he thought it was crazy for any young Man to have a Girlfriend.
Go hire a Hooker when you're horny and you get what you pay for. You don't have to go out of your way to make her happy, or buy gifts. You get to do what you want, when you want and all the money you earn is yours.
I didn't understand it at the time, thought it was crazy talk.
Time and experience really puts a new perspective on life.