Make money online, start a business, create a side hustle, buy investment real estate. Why should your boss be able to turn off your entire stream of income?
3y ago Entrepreneur
@fylo I see many weird logic in your comment. Where do you provide value by buying apples from gardener for 100 bucks a ton and selling for 1 buck a piece? Where do you provide value by making nike shoes in china for like 2 bucks and selling them for 100+?
3y ago Entrepreneur
@fylo in dropshipping you provide value by making website, translation, better pics. so basically marketing.
Im not telling it's easy, but its 100% possible to make money like that. Especially that you can even design own products, make logos on them, and ofc if product sells then just order a lot to yourself and you save more and give better shipping times to customers. There is probably tens of thousands of companies that sell like that. All the vincero, mvmt watches. Even all the fashion brands like hilfiger. Its cheap watches from china with logo. Whole point is to give some additional value. For those it's just cool brand. But you can make you own brand.
It's just buying something cheaper and selling with profit. People do that successfully since trading goods was a thing.
3y ago Entrepreneur
@jprdl No it's not a great side hustle.
One of the phantom factors to profit acquisition is the providing of value - the cases where money is made by not providing value are exceptions and not the rule.
Where in drop shipping do you provide value?
You're not going to make money on the side by being an Alibaba middleman.
3y ago Entrepreneur
@fylo maybe dropshipping is easy to start. but its not easy to make profit. its a great side hustle, to just try products with almost 0 risks.
3y ago Entrepreneur
@jeunpeun99 Do your best to stay away from dropshipping. There is no such thing as easy money.