Discussion about the 5th gen war
7m ago 5th Generation War
Net contribution of immigrants to Europe.
Does anyone need help reading this information?
7h ago 5th Generation War
I think this is the same phenomenon as with Trump in the US. The establishment -the judiciary, the media and the pubic servants will work with anyone left wing -because that is what they all are, whatever party they come from. Along comes someone a bit different and they all hate it and try to exclude them. The people, however, love it. They don't really mind who it is, so long as he is not moving left. He could be a fat, rude, selfish man who has a terrible taste in women and no one cares because he is a saviour of sanity.
For the last century in the west everyone has moved left. Left wing parties move 4 steps left and one step right, right wing ones move 4 steps left and 2 right but the overall travel is solid left. The establishment thinks its the only moral thing to do. They pretty much have it enshrined in the education system and even in the language with terms like "progressive" meaning "moving left"
Read More9h ago 5th Generation War
@First-light there is a de-facto pact between the two parties in UK (Labour and Conservative). they both agree not to give the voter what they want, and they reason that the voter will therefore be forced to choose between 2 parties that are identical.
they didn't believe that a 3rd party might rise up.
1d ago 5th Generation War
am i does drink drunk sex count?
Is you was drink drunk? Does you is drink drunk English speak?
1d ago 5th Generation War
Nah, the foreigners have all the good jobs now. The STEM ones you can't do.
1d ago 5th Generation War
@Stigma The Labour party is like a divorced post wall princess with a huge wish list. Your post wall love, get real. Last time you were in the game you had some value now??? Last time you left office you had already spent all the money. Now you arrive when there are big debts. Out of date tax and spend policies being applied to a broken economy.
You are post wall love. Adjust or perish.