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I made a forums post inquiring about my crowdsource effort to reach a combined $100 per month for the TRP Patreon to remove all ads on the site
If we get enough for $100 (doesn't require too many people with the right numbers), and you joined that effort and donate your small amount of that monthly, you will STILL have ads permanently removed from your account, even if later on other people back out and ads have come back. Or if you have to stop contributing later on.
See original post for details, just trying to get the amount of a cup of coffee or two if people are feeling generous for the value TRP has brought for no expense all these years. Running list of people interested in the stickied comment
41m ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv At least one thing I dont have to worry about. My n count is high enough that I usually lie to women about it. I do not think high n count is always a good thing to have, but hey, better me than her.
4h ago The Hub
Good approach. The forever TRP/plate spinning guys are either entirely at peace with that lifestyle or utterly stuck in it
The latter group misses those .001% connections with women that can absolutely happen, or pull some shit that runs them off
The way I've beaten this into the thicker skulls of certain guys is "clearly you acknowledge and believe that there is a sexual hierarchy, a social hierarchy, even a physique hierarchy. Is it that hard to believe there is a romantic or emotional one?"
Man I spent too much time on the Left Coast.
all humans deserve basic human dignity, respect, and rights - until they prove themselves unworthy of such.
Take out the word "respect" and I totally agree.
Again, respect is earned.
that's actually one of my talents that has mostly gone to waste over the years
That, and proofraedingn
You would suck as a researcher
that's actually one of my talents that has mostly gone to waste over the years
I was good at that shit pre-Google
. Why the fuck would someone want to respect women
Fair point.
I didn’t say this explicitly, but it was experiences like the ones I had that disabused me of that notion. Fucking a large number of women - too many of which were married or engaged or had a boyfriend made me see how much of a pig any given woman can be
That shit put ice in my fucking veins like nothing else could. Man do I have some stories.
I still hold onto the notion that all humans deserve basic human dignity, respect, and rights - until they prove themselves unworthy of such.
So that’s the tension I hold onto
And modern women make it real easy to drop the respect.