Discussion about the 5th gen war
6h ago 5th Generation War
@MentORPHEUS odd.
Again, I grew up in the Deep South, and most of my teachers were apolitical (at least in the classroom).
7h ago 5th Generation War
@Vermillion-Rx Let’s put it this way…
The other political parties agreed a ‘firewall’ pact that, independent of the result of the election, all the parties would work together to prevent the AfD from taking charge. French parties did the same against Le Pen.
No matter if the people want it, the globalists know what is best for the masses.
In the UK last summer labour got just 33.7% of the vote share but represents 63% of the constituencies in the country. It’s absolute bollocks and shite.
8h ago 5th Generation War
This in a way is why I'm glad for a two party system in the USA. Yes, while for a long time it was uniparty bullshit, when you go from Dem to GOP you actually get changes now.
A lot of these other countries have so many parties you go from bullshit to bullshit light. Let's hope the AfD has enough voting power to sway some policy. Though admittedly i don't know much about multi party voting so I can't speak to how it would work
9h ago 5th Generation War
Germans have opted to maintain the status quo
I haven't come around to the German election yet in the Monday flood of new podcast content I regularly listen to, but I understand the biggest majority reached was only 27% of the vote, reflecting widespread discontent with the status quo as well as the "new" slate of choices the election offered.
I consider it a GOOD thing that the population didn't reflexively swerve hard right in embracing AfD too tightly. That move hasn't had a good track record in Germany.
9h ago 5th Generation War
just normal women who can be around kids without trying to brainwash them into woke bullshit.
I was thinking too of those teachers who came of age during the idealized '50s, who were not subtle when it came to trying to brainwash us post-Vietnam generation kids into Cold War era American Exceptionalism and hard line Jingoist bullshit. The women among them who weren't openly militaristic, still employed what felt like blatantly outdated models of hard line discipline and authoritarian rule over their charges. Only the Home Ec teacher (required course early in HS) exemplified the Tradcon model, and she was LITERALLY baking cookies with the class.
12h ago 5th Generation War
In other news, Germans have opted to maintain the status quo and will thus be raped, run over and robbed by vengeful savages forced upon them by the maniacs in charge.
12h ago 5th Generation War
@Typo-MAGAshiv a) you aren't wrong, but the portrail of industrialization and the impact on families in the US as the norm is not correct either.