This tribe is focused exclusively on red pill messages that are embedded, intentionally or not, in arts, media, and entertainment.
A classic red pill song...
1mo ago Red Pill Foreshadowing
@Typo-MAGAshiv Do check out the film. It starts slowly and in a bit of a sixties way but later on Alain Delon is an awesome red pilled Chad. He does just about everything in the playbook (particularly in answering her questions) and a bit more that is legally grey today.
Basically, after Chad seduces her when she is pretending to be asleep to avoid Beta's attentions, she decides at once to marry Beta. Chad gives her a huge Chad sized motorbike as a wedding present so she can skip out on Cuck and visit Chad across a national border. After securing her Chad does not bother visiting her himself, though he used to drive all that way to buy books form her father. Chad will give her zero commitment but she can't stop going to him and it just scrambles her brain.
Got some lovely little moments in it like when she loves to hate the police men on the border flirting with her every time she goes across (and being more hands on than they would today). Then one day she approaches claiming that she hopes the dreadful police men behave and she gets police men doing their job with no flirting. She is angry about it and assumes one police man is queer just because she does not get the attention that she feels is her right.
The film is exploring the future consequences of the then nascent sexual revolution. It is very accurate in its conclusions.
Read More1mo ago Red Pill Foreshadowing
@First-light I don't recall ever hearing of her before this
Mental note to check out the YouTube video you linked later
1mo ago Red Pill Foreshadowing
Marianne Faithful, the sixties icon, died a couple of days ago and it would be a shame not to mark her passing by noting how much she can teach men about female sexuality.
To list her achievements in hypergamy and self obsessed debauchery would make for long reading. Greatest hits; She said she slept with 3 of the rolling stones and decided that the front man was her best bet (though he was not her favourite). When they were busted for drugs Mick Jagger was famously eating a mars bar out of her pussy at the time in front of 10 men and a tranny. When he moved on after 4 years her drug problems got worse, she was declared an unfit mother, the kid she had with her original cuck husband was taken away and she ended up a homeless street walker in soho before being gradually rehabilitated by white knights due to having (at the time) some residual hotness and a nice personality.
The drugs were a big problem but she was also a talented song writer and singer. She had a talent for delivering truth straight up and unaffected, even if a little bit stoned and that gave her a greatness that other artists of similar high ability never attained.
I offer for your consideration; Probably her most famous song "The ballad of Lucy Jordan" (as featured in the misandrist film Thelma and Louise), written post rehab Her pre breakdown 60's movie "The girl on a motorbike"
They are both about being married to a good Beta and selfishly wanting more till it makes you crazy and destroys you and your marriage. There is zero sympathy for the cuck. In the movie Chad climbs into her room, bangs her without asking permission and leaves without saying a word or looking back. She loves it and asks beta to marry her without delay in the morning. However we also have to note it ends even worse for princess than for cuck in both cases. That's the thing -she gives us it straight and true.
Liberals made her a feminist icon for taking so miles of Chad cock and hypodermic needles on her own terms and remaining "strong" I think they missed something. She wasn't doing it for feminism, she was, as all addicts and all hypergamists do, just doing it for herself. She was angelically pretty to start and she rode it along all those cocks to whatever she wanted.
In the end, she just gives it you as it is. The girl on the motorbike gets so lost in her fantasy that she crashes and burns. Lucy Jordan's hamster wheel burns out its bearings and they take her away to the nut house while she still fantasises. That's how it goes in the end. Self obsessed Princess can't have it all. Wanting it all destroys her and men would do well to avoid her.
Marianne Faithful embodies the zeitgeist of an age in which an unholy combination of blue pill and feminism gave us torch handed furies that destroyed the traditional relationship for generations to come. From the ashes of such a fire, it was inevitable that something like the red pill man would rise unconquered.
Read More3mo ago Red Pill Foreshadowing
@deeplydisturbed I like this video but it is a little simplistic. Then again the movie was too. Yes simping really does not work but also there was the simple fact that he was up against someone more attractive. If he had been playing bad boy and not caring, he would still not have got the girl because his SMV was not high enough. Chad could act as uncaring as he liked becuase his SMV was high enough.
A lot of young men who have not got great SMV and who find the red pill make a big mistake -they think that just because Chad can afford to not give a shit, they should practise not giving a shit. Chad can afford to not care because he has the SMV. If you find a silver dollar covered in shit, you will pick it up. If you find a dime in a dog turd you will walk on by. Not giving a shit does not actually increase your SMV. It does however save you from wasted investment.
Read MoreOne of the most Red Pilliest movies of all time. Enjoy.