The continuation of the Reddit sub of the same name... just in case we get the axe too.
1y ago Married Red Pill
Obvious mistakes:
Married woman same ag as him
No dread
Expecting reciprocation from a woman
Doing "validation session" shit.
- Thinking couples therapy works
Also how come I don't see his post. Never saw him on my feed
1y ago Married Red Pill
Wife has stopped taking care of herself, betrayal trauma, stillbirth... divorce?
I apologize about the length of this, but wanted to provide the details of my unique struggle with a very common issue. I'm open to and will be appreciative of thoughtful responses - I don't want to leave my wife or cheat on her. We are both 38 years old and have been married nearly 5 years - which has been happy more often than not. I did something a little different before getting married, I wrote out and itemized my expectations of the marriage and her. I shared this with her, explained my reasoning, and had her commit in writing to my expectations (she actually negotiated one point with me.) Health and beauty is very important to me so I included in the expectations that she was to was to maintain her attractiveness, health and girlish figure and that if she becomes unhealthily overweight it will be grounds for divorce. Which she agreed to.
She's kept her commitment to the extent that she is not overweight (she's maintained a very healthy weight and has a nice busty-petite frame) and is disciplined about eating a healthy diet - she still looks good naked! However, she has little to no interest in anything that might cultivate and maintain her beauty. I did get her a gym membership once and we attended together (she was a little bored there) - now she says there's NO WAY she'd go to the gym. She hates makeup (she's worn it maybe three times since we've been together). She's not very interested in dressing stylishly (she wears dumpy old clothes far too often for my liking). It's been about a half decade since she refreshed her wardrobe. On my urging she's gone through little phases when she would do very light workouts at home (Yoga sessions or squats in the mornings) but she would quit anytime I stopped reminding her to do them. She walks almost everyday - running errands around town - which I'm sure helps maintain her weight. I'm a very different story, I'm a little vain and do a lot to stay in shape and good looking. I go to the gym 2-3 times weekly. I sun tan during the summer. I try to keep my wardrobe fresh with a few stylish new items every year. I'm always looking for some new thing that I can do to stay healthy and good looking - which she's not very interested in. I have an attractive and healthy wife in decent shape now, but fear I won't in a few short years if she remains so stubborn.
I have talked to her about my disappointment with her disregard for cultivating and maintaining her beauty. Reminding her of the commitment she soberly made. In fact, we've talked about it A LOT - I even put together a cultivating beauty plan for her itemizing the things she could be doing. I've explained to her a million times that she should exercise and challenge her body a bit primarily for her own good, so she can avoid the chronic pain and health issues that tormented her parents for decades. She would say "Yes, I'm not going to get fat. I'll try to do better" and then she'll put in a minimal effort for about a week. We've fought about it enough times that I've temporarily given up trying to get her to do anything. I'm angry about this about half the time, it's distracted me from a work a lot, and has been bad for my sleep. This is incredibly frustrating to me, I see other attractive women out and about and think about how my wife would totally outshine them if she made a little bit of concerted effort. I'd love to go to the gym or do workouts with her, but she'd rather do a movie night at home together. Also, because of my interest in Biohacking, I have access to a bunch of beauty hacks; Anti-aging supplements, fitness equipment, etc which I use and would love to share with her. But she'd rather sit on the bed and scroll social media. The conventional advice given to husbands in my position is "If you want your wife to be sexy, make her feel sexy" and "Set a good example, do fitness stuff with her." And I have really tried those two things, repeatedly, with disappointing results. The other advice I've heard is "flirt innocently with other attractive women. Let your wife see that other women find you attractive" - This I have not done, seems disrespectful.
And I should share something BIG I screwed up on. A few years back, I would watch porn infrequently (a few times a month). Which I foolishly thought she was OK with, then she checked my browsing history and had a big blow-up. She was very hurt. I committed to no more porn (which I've kept, haven't looked at any for over 3 years now - including the borderline softcore porn that can easily be found on social media). But the damage was done. She had betrayal trauma, a common response among women to discovering their partners' porn stash. She acted a bit crazy for a bad 6 months after this. I made a real effort to understand betrayal trauma and what she was going through - reading books, blogs, etc. We arrived at a healing habit of me doing a daily validation session with her; we would cuddle up and I would sincerely tell her how I found her beautiful, sexy - how she was the only one I had eyes for. At the same time, I did some personal transformational work on some deeply ingrained promiscuous mindsets I had - that I needed visual novelty when it came to women. My wife's unspoken expectations of the marriage were that I'd be 100% faithful to her - even in my fantasies and internal world, anything less was metaphysical cheating to her which I first thought was absurd. But applying a lot of mental discipline I've gotten to the point where I only think about her as a sexual being, I don't have a spank bank of random women in my head. With years of diligent commitment, mental fortitude, and hundreds of these little validation sessions we've rebuilt her self-esteem and trust between us. She no longer feels the need to check my browsing history (which I gave her full access to).
Her latest excuse for not keeping her commitments is, the most valid one yet, we lost a child and had a stillbirth earlier this summer. Now she is in grieving and refuses do things like staying in shape or mental health habits (the kinds of things that would actually accelerate her healing). She is convinced that the only thing that will heal her and make her happy again is having a healthy baby (and she wants to rush into another pregnancy). I however refuse to have a baby with a woman who refuses to show me the basic level of respect: making a little effort to be beautiful for me.
Throughout all this we maintained some romance and a healthy sex life. In many ways she's a good wife; being thoughtful, helping me with errands, preparing nutritious meals, etc. But she's needlessly resistant to doing the cultivating beauty things that would make her healthier (and me a lot happier!) I've even told her, let me pick up some more of the domestic responsibilities so you can take the time to do home workouts. And she hasn't changed her behavior. Oddly, she would rather be my "maid" than my beauty queen. A little more about her. She is (for the most part) very conservative. She had very little sexual experience before me (I confirmed this).
So you're probably starting to see my frustration. I've made it exceedingly clear to her that she is my only source of womanly beauty in this world. I've made a BIG change in my behavior and mindset to align with the very high expectation of faithfulness that she has.
I see my desire for beauty as the flipside of her desire for faithfulness. I have a lot of resentment around the fact that she's done little to reciprocate and make a similar effort to be beautiful for me. I don't expect her to do 90-minute grueling gym sessions like me, but she could easily spend 10-minutes a day (about the amount of time I would spend on validation for her betrayal trauma recovery) doing something that made her beautiful and healthy. But she refuses because it's outside her comfort zone. Now I'm the one who feels betrayed.
We had a ANOTHER big fight about this last night. Talked about divorce. She wants to do couples therapy. I'm open to this if she's open to making some changes on her side. Final piece of information that might be important; I live in her country (Eastern Europe), I can pack up and leave at anytime without legal entanglements or obligations.
I'll be grateful for any thoughtful responses. Especially from men who have navigated the same issue.
Quick question. As far as you're aware, has your wife been vaccinated against Covid-19?
Read More4y ago Married Red Pill
"Breakdown of the Family"
Click to watch the full Mic'd Up episode with Fr. Donald Calloway.
Find out more about Abby Johnson and Matt Walsh by clicking the links.
#2020 #Mic'dUpReport #ChurchMilitant #Faith #US #America #Christianity #SpiritualWarfare #PsychologicalWarfare #RomanCatholicChurch #CultureWar #Contraception #BirthControl #Abortion #MargaretSanger #BernardNathanson #NormaMccorvey
5y ago Married Red Pill
@LP69 - I believe when they say "hold frame", they are meaning maintain your composure. Don't let a situation emotionally provoke you to the point that lose your self control and composure. Stay in control of yourself, that way you don't act out badly and do something you'll regret later.
Frame is also related to stoicism. Being stoic doesn't mean being emotionless, it means controlling your emotions and not displaying them, instead acting in a way that is best for a situation while not displaying emotions, or with minimal emotional display.
None of this means emotions are bad. You'll have them, good and bad. Happiness, anger, sadness, guilt, etc. The key is to not let them rule you. Instead you rule over them. I think especially in recent years, the blue pill programming to be in touch with emotions, display them, etc. - horrible advice for a man. It's okay to feel, it's just not okay to let what you feel drive you to make bad decisions and undertake counter productive actions.
So in summary, frame = composure.
Read More5y ago Married Red Pill
I originally posted this question I believe in the wrong place. I was advised to do it here.
What is a good example of a frame for a married guy? The question itself might reek of blue pill nonsense but would this qualify? My frame is keep managing and making a difference in my current successful career. I will keep these kids learning science and math and support them throughout their childhood. My wife will come along for this ride to help support me in my vision.
Is that a frame?